Just a Few Photos

Here's a few photos from today. Sorry I don't have time to do more till tomorrow. Grandkids are going home tonight so time invested there.
Here is Ringo and Scruffy.
Here is Tiger Lily
Here is Sparky and the pups.
More about this tomorrow!
Reader Comments (9)
I loved seeing Scruffy and Ringo together since their colouring is so similar. I just have to guess for fun . . . Scruffs is L and Ringo is R.
Tiger Lily is a beauty and her name suits her. I just love it!
So lovely to see these pups becoming part of the dawg world! Their fun is just beginning! :-)
Tiger Lily sure has a very pretty face.
Love the pix of Sparky and the pups.
Scruffs is right, Ringo Left. It's so hard that I had to really look and then I cheated and looked at the larger photo to be sure.
Look at the pups photos on Fiona's page. We had a big dog socialization fun time today. Grandkids are now home. I am home alone with Dennis tomorrow. Supposed to be hot!
My gosh they really do look alike Ringo and Scruffs! I was confused for a moment when I looked on Fiona's blog and said, did Scruffs get a haircut today? But a momma knows her pup and there was no doubt Scruffs is the one on the right in that top photo. Looks like everyone had so much fun today with the pups....I'm sooooo jealous! ;)
Hi Darlah
What a great photo of Sparky and the pups. I hope was gentle and patient.
This is our last full day in Shanghai, then Beijing then home. Hope Sparky wamts to come home - looks like he is having a ball at Camp Talemaker.
Mary: There are more photos of Sparky on Fiona's page with the pups. I can't believe it is happening so fast. He will love to see you. This is a holiday. You are home. You will feel that way yourself when you get home.
Yes, I see Ringo did fool me! Well, they are both so beautiful. I think the little white tuft atop Ringo's head fooled me.
Great photos! Glad you had some quality time w/ the grandkids and they with you and your dawgs. :-)
We're looking forward to a fun-filled weekend w/ all lf our grands and spending time w/ Laci in the pool.
Please give Ringo a hug from me. Glad to see he is having a good time with Scruffs.