Hanging at the Pool

We are indeed going to pool time it today though I got to line comb some dogs as they won't have time to before going home and wash the Panda and Logan. I also have to get Breeze and Chinook in the pool if it isn't too cool out there.
Today Yvonne arrives and Saturday she is it for watching the dawgs till we get home Saturday. At least she has the air and pool and here is hoping Debi's air is cooling her off too though I think the heat broke.
Then Sunday we have a Sanction match.
A kiss goes out to Jazzy - not necessary - seriously but he bought us a daylily to replace the ones he had fun digging up. Folks, I wasn't complaining. I was laughing about a dawg being a dawg. I enjoy him letting his hair down, so to speak. I guess we are truly dawg people as I don't worry about that stuff. But now as it grows I will think about him! I adore Jazzy being a dawg and he does just that!
Well, off to brush dawgs before Yvonne gets here and Logan and Panda will arrive anytime. It's going to be a fun day!
PS: Did you see Pavlov's birthday photos in Abigail's blog? DELIGHTFUL!
Reader Comments (10)
Looks like this lovely weather is making up for all that has gone wrong. It's a beautiful weekend for your granddaugher's Bat Mitzvah and for your dawg sitter.
Thank you Darlah, I am enjoying our new a/c. My feet actually get cold when on the 1st floor, but I'm not complaining. :-) Only thing that needs to get better is my out of whack sacrum. I missed my Dad's 90th b-day yesterday which didn't help my spirits, but no matter what, I have a surprise party planned for him Sun.
D&N: Enjoy your proud moment this weekend!
We hope Breeze and Chinook are having fun and are being good guests! I hope they get in the pool today, as you know they love the water but like Kat who loves the pool he wasn't as sure about swimming in the lake so our duo being used to the lake may be unsure about the pool but will be excited to hear how it goes.
sounds like a very busy but fun day with all your family yesterday.
We miss our duo but are having fun with their human big brother!
Shelley: Had no time for the pool today unfortunately. We will have to do it next week. They are doing really well and having much fun but I just got them brushed and combed out. They did sit on the first step before brush out. Chinook complained about the combing and I wasn't hurting him. I have to laugh. Breeze just sat there and said okay treat time.
HI Darlah
Thanks for the update That is our Chinook, he is such a sensitive little guy or would that be a big suck...haha we know you weren't hurting him but he likes to complain at the slightest of getting a knot out although he is much better than he was. but he is such a cuddle pup, and then there is our little angel Breeze who never complains when getting brushed out and yes loves the treats.
We are missing them, but know they are having fun and we will see you in the morning.
We are sure you are excited about your family celebration tomorrow1
Shelley: It's nice to see your two enjoying themselves w/ D&N! Great that we have the comfort of knowing they have a great place to go and have their own holiday!
Shelley broke her arm so I am not sure she will be typing. We shall see. She's in a cast. Poor gal...
Shelley: I had to laugh as I was doing his feet and he screamed and I hadn't even touched his foot. He's one of THOSE and that's just like his grandma, Risa. She would scream like you were killing her but she was fine. She no longer does it but she tried to control the feet brushing in her early life but when she realized all this protesting wouldn't get her anywhere she was fine. She no longer tries this out. He only did it twice but quite loudly and once I was touching the foot but not brushing and the next I hadn't even touched it yet. I laughed to myself and said NO Chinook, knock it off and you could see him going, okay, that didn't work. He's such a lovee - both are but so funny that he tried it out to see what he could get away with.
Debi, yes we are extremely lucky to have D&N to look after them when needed. who else would give them the love, and lots of fun with the crew and professional grooming
that they do.
my typing with one hand is a pain.
Darlah that is funny he actually screamed and he was obviously testing u out, too funny as u know he will be the first to jump up to get groomed after the beach and he will complain if getting a mat out but know it will not stop me. and yes i know before he would complain before even touching him. so glad we have u and not someone who would feel sorry for him....LOL
Shelley: I think he wanted to play vs. getting groomed. Off to a sanction match so more later... We are late..
From one gardener to another -- enjoy the flowers.
Looking forward to seeing you all again & taking time to smell ( or dig ) the flowers.
Jazzy: You are truly a love and you are welcomed here any time. We do adore you!! I love a dawg that has a passion for flowers!