So Many Changes

Yes, the Wasabi crew and the Abigail crew are turning 1 years old on the 20th and 21st. That does mean Roxie will be a year and so will Panda and that duo on the cover of the magazine and so will the rest of the siblings - so exciting. How will we celebrate?
I am reminded that I had the audacity to have puppies a year ago on the 20th of June as that is our oldest daughter's birthday. Again it is her birthday tomorrow and we have rehearsals tomorrow on her birthday as our oldest grand daughter will have her Bat Mitzvah this weekend and our friend Yvonne is coming in Friday night to watch the dogs so we can attend all the festivities.
I think she (the daughter) ought to move her birthday. hahahahaha
But just incase I lose my mind, Happy birthday to the 2 sets of pups. They were and remain a fabulous crew - both Wasabi's and Abigail's.
Perhaps we will celebrate with a dip in the pool and hope to see as many as we can at the picnic.
Did you ever thought a year would go by like a blip? I must admit I still think of them as babies. Ah, but they are growing up for sure!
A bit of trivia, the Wasabi crew had 3 names that started with the letter 'm'. In Abigail's crew one of the pups was named after a Russian physiologist.
This crew, all of them was such a fabulous crew and so are the humans. Happy Birthday, all!
Reader Comments (4)
That's a great picture of Kat diving into your pool! Speaking of which, the pool looks great!!! Who was the 1st to christen it? We always play a game of who's in 1st and last of the season along w/ how early and late we manage to have/keep it open.
Our a/c is in and the temp has gone down 2 degrees. Now it's only 88 in here. LOL Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll have lost some water weight. :-)
Debi: I was in it first. Nathan is always in it first. So this was different and he went oh you are in it first. I guess we also play that game but didn't know it. Then the grandkids from North Carolina was in it then Nathan and the dawgs.
No swimming till tomorrow. Everyone is down at the daughters (its her birthday today) getting ready for the weekend event. We have rehearsals tonight so I will get swimming in myself before we go. Due to restrictions in the temple we all have to dress up and take photos tonight and then after services at the parties. We have a party Friday night at the daughters, Saturday after services and Saturday night. Oh, and I was informed to dress different each time. Wellm I am not going out to buy another outfit. So looks like all day Thursday is swimming all day long and a pizza event cause I am not going to cook.
Did you manage to get the larger a/c to work? If it went in this morning then by tonight you should really feel the difference. We felt ours immediately but about 5 hours into it I went wow this is working well. Our house gets too cold at the same temp we had it at last year. It's going to be perfect for our friend Yvonne.
Put fans on the vents to move the air around. It helped cool our house down quickly. We had a week of no air and no pool and I thought I may shoot myself if I owned a gun. (just teasing) Our car died and needs a new transmission. Boy is it pouring in our house!
Happy BIrthday to the Wasabi Puppies! Laci sends special birthday wishes to her sibling Roxie (same parents - different pregnancy) and her other brothers and sisters.
Darlah - So happy your pool is in and working well so you can enjoy when you have time. :-)
Our new a/c was in and working by 7:30 last night. I could tell it was working hard at getting the humidity out of the air first and woke up feeling much better (and w/ Laci snuggled up beside me) this AM. No problems getting it in - 3 guys worked on it but they have to come back this afternoon to build a new cover for the paraphernalia downstairs as it's much bigger than what we had. The unit outside is twice the size, but much quieter which is nice. I'm so glad that's over and done with.
PS-Congratulations to your granddaughter for her accomplishments w/ regard to her Bat Mitzvah. From the few I've gone to, there is much to learn and memorize. A proud moment in time for your daughter and her parents, I'm sure!
D&N - Enjoy this celebration!