The Simba Cutie

I have to say I love this dawg. He is such a fun loving ball of enthusiasm. This is a Fiona puppy, Simba and he was here today.
He just got picked up. He still will find his way to his Mommy here and snuggle with her when he can but otherwise he is playing, snuggling with us during downtime and just fun, fun, fun. He has a similar personality to Scruffy.
Simba's hair is starting to grow in and I rather like it or maybe I just adapted. He looks cute. But hey I am biased.
I weeded a great deal today with the dawgs helping me. With no pool and no pups the garden is getting more attention that usual. Can't wait till the pool is done and we are back pool diving.The dawgs actually try to help me dig or pull - oh oh
Tomorrow after weeding I am starting to wash all the dawgs before company comes Saturday. It's not that I am cleaning them for the company but cleaning them so I don't have to invest too much time in grooming. A clean dawg knots less.
Plus the daughter that is a groomer has no desire to wash my dawgs while she is on holidays. So this week is my marathon week. Busy, busy, busy. Hope the rest of you have chillin' time. Mine will be when I go to bed. :-)
Reader Comments (2)
Simba is adorable and I actually like his cut, it suits him.....he's got the cutest face.
yes that sprinkling of brown through the face is adorable.