Wet Mucky Day

It's been a wet day and although everyone got groomed they don't look like it. It's one of THOSE days. You wonder why you even try.
Simba was flying through the air having a grand old time and he didn't get dirty at all. Now what's that about?
I did wash Raylan underneath and all over his legs two days in a row as he can't help but run through the mud but Monty it just dried and glides off of him and his hair still feels clean. I want that hair. hahahaha Mac because he is dark you just don't see it. But Truffie and Spice and Roxie I would put in that category of a disaster. Roxie and Panda was so much so that they had to have a full bath. They ran through the mud as they couldn't help themselves. If that wasn't enough they rolled in the mud too. Kids you know...
Cooper comes tomorrow and it best be dry as he will get everyone running through everything and there will be more baths. hahahahaha That's okay...it's a dawg life after all!
Notice I didn't post photos of the ones that needed baths? I wasn't even up to after bath photos. I am sure you understand.
Reader Comments (15)
I think they look great!
Of the trio, Raylan is the biggest dirt magnet.
Monty does have some special hair, doesn't he?
Yes, he has Treasure's hair. Lucky, lucky boy - and lucky for you too. :-)
Audrey: Thnx but they got much wetter and dirtier today.
They look like they're having the time of their lives! We're wondering if Laci will miss the pool cover. She runs like heck over it like your crew. It's her fave retrieve place. The pool will be opened next Mon. Hmmm, wonder what challenges that will bring forth. :-)
Watch her closely as she will most likely react unless you have a fence around it. We still do not have a date for ours as I refuse with this weather. Soon... At this rate June. I know when the cover goes back on they love it. They love the water too but not when it is too cold.
Yes, guess that's why I mentioned it. I'm really thinking about delaying the opening. W/ this cover, I don't mind it on until swimming weather. B/f we opened it just b/c we hated looking at the ugly tarp cover. The fitted ones are cosmetically appealing and are great for numerous reasons, especially when you have dawgs. :-) Sure would be nice to know when we'll have swim weather! So up and down . . .
Usually ours is open by now but not this year. No winter and no almost summer so far.
I've been noticing for years now that we seem to have gone to a 2 season area of our country. Spring and Autumn is disappearing as Summer and Winter arrive abruptly. Although yes, where did last winter go . . . ? There are those that think our weather will one day be like BC's.
I love when you get photos of the dogs running and leaping in the air.
Havanese are so fast and agile....it's great!
When we round the corner onto our street, Scruffs bolts for home, and I swear, if we didn't slow him down by having him on a leash, he would be home in the blink of an eye.
Did I mention lately how much I love him? He's getting more loving by the day....he is stuck to me like glue everywhere I go, a nd in he morning, he lets me hug him for a good 40 minutes while he licks me and snuggles his nose into my neck.
Roger finds it so sweet......if I were him, I'd be sooooo jealous :)
Lori! If you didn't tell me how much you luv Scruffy, I surely wouldn't know! LOL It's great to see how happy the Scruffs has made you and Roger. He really is a special little guy and it's obvious to see he thinks he's pretty lucky too! :-) Now I understand why D&N like to have the get togethers. While it has to be sooo difficult to let these little ones go, witnessing all the smiles on the new parent's (and kids) faces, as well as the happy puppies is like putting the icing on the cake. It's completed and beautiful to look at.
Debi....I know, I know, I'm such a broken record!!! LOL
every day, Roger turns to me at some point and says, "I love him SOOO much, I never thought I would love him soooo much!" and I just roll my eyes because it's the
umpteenth time, but I clearly do the exact same thing! :)
BTW, tongue depressor has become tiny little wooden shards which I'm sure is not a good idea.....will keep looking!
Lori - Not sure if Scruffy has any Steer Sticks (bull pizzle - guess what that is - LOL) to chew on, but thought I'd mention them just in case. Laci loves to chew on sticks, as well, so I went to PetValue and was given advice that these were the only suitable skins for her to have at this young age. They're 6" long and about the circumferance of my baby finger. They don't devour quickly as they're still nearly the same size as when started. But, Laci loves to chew on these and I have one in just about every room. :-)
Thanks Debi, that sounds exactly like what he needs. I will try that.
Lori - I also find they come in handy when Laci is still full of energy, but we have other things to do - like eat dinner. LOL She will lay on her pillow beside us and chew away and let us enjoy our meals and some quiet time.