What a Day

Yes, she once looked like this...The Teaser is back and Scruffy gets to see his canine mommy tomorrow. Photos to come but Teaser is sporting a new hairdo that I hate (sorry Paula). Phantom and Mugs are back home and I hope happy beyond heaven to be home!
Teaser is beyond delighted to be here.
What a treat I had to get to see Envy. Did I have my camera? NO. He grew. His colour is different. He has a draping of black over brown, apricot and a multitude of colour. I told Paula they are going to be drawn to him as that colour is so different. It's hard to explain and if I knew she had brought him then I would have brought a camera but he may be in his first show in August in the same place we take our handling classes so that will be exciting to me. We hope to have the Panda in that show too.
Envy did the wriggle his butt so fast I am so excited to see you dance and kisses, kisses, kisses.
We have a lot to look forward to.
I promise to take photos of Scruffy and Teaser tomorrow but till then, I am tuckered out. I have Logan and Panda to brush up and I think I will take a break from the rest just for the day.
Its overcast. No swimming but if it doesn't rain maybe I will weed tonight. I did restock my Show Sheen.
Reader Comments (4)
That's a beautiful photo of Teaser. I guess I'm still interested b/c I came on this blog when Fiona had her pups and next Teaser, and then Ms. Abs and Wasabi. I can hardly wait to see what Envy looks like now so I do hope you can get some photos to post of him - and as well Teaser now. :-) I did find Envy's colouring interesting.
I will ask her to take photos of Envy when she can. Go figure the day I don't bring my camera. I was not expecting to see him.
Teaser I will take a photo of tomorrow after Scruffy is here but she's cut exactly like I tell everyone not to. At least you will understand why you shouldn't cut around the eyes, on the bridge of the nose and on top of the head. I keep looking at her and shaking my head. Well, hair grows.
Darlah - I do know what you're talking about re- around the eyes and bridge of the nose area. While my groomer did cut the inner eye area of my Bichions some years back, she would sometimes scold me for doing too much myself. It's not hard to get carried away. I think now she and I are on the same page re Laci's Havanese style of grooming and I know next time I won't be so nervous . . . . hehehe! Easy to say - huh! :-)
I'm ecstatic that Scruffs gets to see his mom Teaser!!!! The Teaser pups missed out on that during their reunion....I wonder how Scruffs will react....I'm sure he will be all excited and playful :-)
I have to tell you, Scruffs is so loving and sweet, we are so proud of him.....he makes us feel complete.
On a side note, his lower right canine is now loose....pointing a direction that a tooth should just not point...bet it will be gone by morning.