Handling Class

Nathan and Lynda at Handling ClassOff to handling class with Roxie and Panda. This is the duo that will be at Pawsway this weekend.
I will update with a few photos when I get back. That won't be till closer to 830ish.
I had to get Mugs and Phantom ready to head back home tomorrow and that meant baths. Mugs easy, Phantom more work. hahahaha But they both look gorgeous let's hope they stay that way till morning. We will miss them but its time.
Didn't get any swimming in. Oh well.... Did have a grooming day marathon.
Tomorrow I stop at TSC to get Show Sheen and then Humber to get water plants for the pond so the fish can go back outside. Dennis keeps reminding me so I think he feels its important. He does love the animals - all kinds.
Reader Comments (1)
It's great to finally see Lynda after all this time of admiring Panda! It's nice that The Rox and Panda have so much sisterly time together! :-)