Oh My Gad

What is a human or dawg supposed to do with these set of circumstances. Let's see we couldn't find anyone to open the pool until end of June earliest so us with so much pool knowledge (NOT) took the cover off. Everything and anything that is going to go wrong did and is still.
We can't get the heater going. We are trying. Well, Dennis is trying now. I give up.
We do have the pool cleaner going and the pool is looking half clean but its taking up so much crud that we have to empty the basket every half hour or so. It looks cleaner than it is in this photo.
The pool water is ICE. I may lay my feet in it tonight and fall asleep that way if I only could.
We have no air conditioning and its supposed to feel like 30c tomorrow. We got a new air conditioner last year but Nathan can't find who we bought it from as we need the receipt to get it serviced. It can't get fixed at least till Tuesday due to the holidays. Please let a cold wind come in.
Daddy's Grooming Job (side ponytail)The dogs seem to be faring better than us. I am keeping them cooler than I manage to keep myself.
I still have 1 dog to demat. Rest was groomed.1 dog completely dematted at least I think so. I will comb through him again tonight if I have the strength. I have till Tuesday morning though for them so I have time.
I have 3 dogs to wash and I may take the grooming table outside cause who wants heaters on them inside without air? Oh boy...
Dogs are not running around so they are feeling the heat and I get that but they have ice water, cool towels to lay on etc.
No matter how hot it is out Jazzy wants to be outside. He LOVES outside more than any dog I know. It doesn't matter if he's just with 1 human or with a crew of dogs, just let me stay and enjoy.
Jazzy goes home tomorrow so he will be getting a bath along with Cocoa and Zack. I may wash, let them air dry and then blow them out to minimize the heat and keep them cooler. They won't come out as good as blowing and combing/brushing constantly but with this set of circumstances I think that's the way to go for them too. Don't get me wrong, they will look good just smoother the other way.
Hope the rest of you are having a better weekend. This has been a test in patience.
Reader Comments (13)
Pools can tend to be a challenge - been there and done that! Actually, we still have a challenge that's been going on for about 3 yrs now regarding our light. They always say they'll fix it and then they don't and the pool is filled and ready to go and it's too late - unless we drain! I told them this yr this is the last of that!
I had that side ponytail back in 1968! I'm not kidding!!! LOL Nathan, it looks good! If only it would still look good on me, I'd wear it again. :-)
Jazzy's colouring is similar to Laci's. He's a cutey.
Hope to hear your pool issues are ironed out soon!
Nathan, the side pony tale is a different look. Bravo!!!!!
Debi, it will be interesting to see how Laci (actually all the recent pups) will look like as she gets older. Looking forward to seeing that.
I love Jazzy's cut. Not too short. Do you know if they use scissors or a trimmer with long blade thingies? After much prodding by people around me, I decided to trim Katie. I do want to leave some hair as I really love the Havanese hair. Want to try doing it myself so if it ends up a mess it will be my fault. I am taking it slow and have her legs down to 1/2 inch of hair and her tummy shaved so that she can cool off. Next move will be the main body and then the head. I do not want to touch the tail, ears or top of her head - they take too long to grow back. Will send pictures if it turns out okay.
hahaha, the side ponytail is cute :)
I have one school photo from the late 80's with the exact same hair do - long bangs, side pony tail.
Marilyne: I will ask Dima as I know he cuts him and I believe he uses a combo trimmer and scissors.
If it's only holding the light in place you can do that under water. We bought a new housing for ours and it now fits in nicely. Today I cleaned the pool house just so I could find a needed weight for the pool cleaner. The son refused to. Sweat pouring down my face, you can now walk in the pool house and weight found. Looking forward to the kids getting out the rest of my plants. I have a morning glory blooming nice blue blooms and a hibiscus and tomatoes almost ready so not everything has gone down the tubes.
That's great to hear! Well, our light is a bit complicated. It should have been repaired when the liner went in - issues w/ people not doing what they've been contracted to do . . . . Trouble along the line somewhere and you will know what I mean. So now, we just want the light capped so as not have a light doing nothing. LOL One day we will get it fixed. I loved having a pool light on at night! I also loved to play jokes on people when they dove in, as I would turn off the light and then turn it back on just as they arose to the top and swear I didn't know why things went black! Silly, but fun!
When they get trimmed, do they ever trim the mustache/beard area? I'm thinking Scruffs soon needs a trim but everyone I talk to has a bad grooming story and it's freaking me out...suggestions?
Lori: I honestly don't think Scruffs needs a trim yet and yes they always take off more than desired unless you stand there and say this much - can you hear me - just this much or I won't pay you. heh That may or may not work. There are good groomers and bad groomers - just a reality just like hairdressers.
I agree, He really just needs it in a few places to make him look neater but not a full trim needed yet.
Angie, I do look forward to the changing colours Laci will likely have. After having 2 pure white dogs and as a child a black one, Laci's multi-colouring is rather interesting to me. Especially, that they will change from lighter to darker from time to time.
Lori, I know you come out this way for puppy lessons, so not sure if you're interested in a groomer in the same area, but I've used the same one for nearly 25 yrs. She's excellent! However, I can't comment on her doing the Havanese cut. She and I have already discussed Laci and she's asked for a photo of a Hav w/ a do I particularly ike. We're going to start w/ a bath, blow dry & nail clipping soon - no cutting. Maybe after a few light groomings she and I will be on the same page. And, I think I would ask that she error on the longer side.
Having said that, it is nice to have someone close to your home for many reasons.
Debi, I don't mind driving for someone I know will do a good job. I know it's only hair and it grows back, but I don't like being unpleasantly shocked by a haircut. I'm so plain and boring with my own hair so maybe I'm not the best person to judge a grooming, but when Darlah mentioned how long it takes for the hair to grow back, that's what made me more fussy about it. If it grew back in a few months, no biggie, but years? That's just too much for me to think about.
I'm curious to see what you think with her grooming of Laci. If all goes well, I would certainly make the drive out.