Crazy Hot Day

The air is on but I am still sweating. I have a couple of dogs to get serious knots out of (not mine) and I suppose I will do it while I am watching tv after the dawgs are fed. I started doing it on one yesterday - far from done. <sigh>
The water is still going into the pool. It's not up and running yet. It was a chore to fold the cover up and get it into a bag. Water is still running to fill the pool up and Nathan keeps hand skimming it.
At this rate maybe by Monday. The dogs are adjusting to it bring opened. Kat wanted to go swimming but Nathan had to tell him no.
Risa is hanging out with this face as if to say when will it get cool. Don't get me wrong. It is cooler than outside but not cool.
Don't get me wrong we are enjoying but I got so much on my plate this weekend with the pool (planted some items), a pond that needs to be opened and dogs dematted that I want to go to bed and wake up tomorrow with it all done. heh Fat chance!
The dogs enjoy the planting, the hose, everything but dematting. Off to feed the dogs so I can get back to it. I need another water pillow. heh The one I have is for tonight.
Hope the rest of you are having dawg friendly fun daze!
PS: Dogs love frozwn chicken broth. It's a yum treat!
Reader Comments (16)
Darlah: Do you make your own chicken broth or do you buy it. If you ever buy it,could you tell me where you get it that it doesn't have all that salt in it. I have looked but they all have so much salt added.
Darlah, if you need help with gardening, Jazzy can help or perhaps he already started ( just hide the toys :-) or you'll have toy trees, or I prefer you give him few $$ to plant a money tree :D
Tanya: He ADORES and I mean ADORES outside. He gets mighty dirty but we can clean him up - no worries. He loves making a bed in the dirt in the gaden in the shade of course and sticking his face in it. He's so funny!
I think he prefers outside to inside any old day! Hope you both are having fun!
Today was a great day to be out although it was really hot! Scruffs enjoyed the park but I could see when we got in that he was hot and panting and thirsty.
Interesting thing, on our evening walk the fireworks started and he literally freaked out. He tried to run in the opposite direction. I picked him up and tried to calm him during the exposure but he would have none of it. He struggled to get free so he could run away. He practically ran home tail down and it even took him some time to calm down when we got in.
Has anyone else had a similar experience?
Pacific brand is highly recommended and can be found in the natural and organic food section of Loblaws. I don't have a container at the moment to give you the salt content, but it's worth looking in to.
Darlah - Luv that frozen broth idea!
Lori - Tiffany hated loud noises like fireworks, storms, etc. If you feed into it by hugging them, etc., they will get the impression there is good reason to be frightened and it will escalate. It got to the point when Tiff knew rain was coming she'd set in to running around looking for a safe spot (which was usually behind the toilet) and panting till she left wet puddles. It's recommended that you go about your business as usual and act like nothing is different. When Laci hears new noises, she always looks at me for my reaction and I either don't react or talk in a light and carefree way. Good luck tonight! I've always hated fireworks and wish the laws would go back to organized park exhibitions by the firefighters "only." Now kids start well in advance and it seems to carry past. Bah humbug! LOL
Debi is right. How you react will make a difference. As humans our first reaction is to coddle and soothe but if you do that with a puppy you validate their concerns. The key is distraction and acting as if there is nothing wrong no matter what. It is normal to be frightened of what you have never experienced and its not something you can get a real grasp of where it is coming from.
We had a golden that had deep seated fears from storms and fireworks. We actually minimized her reaction over the years but we got her as a rescue at 6 years old. None of our havs react to storms or the fireworks but I am a nut case and I embrace a great scary storm running out into it and enjoying the wind, rain, noises or great fireworks and they do take my cues.
Darlah! I must do that again and you remind me of fun I haven't had in a long time, so why did I stop?! I loved hail storms back in the day, so perhaps I should take Laci out and run around enjoying the rain w/ her. Our whole family loves to swim in the rain when we know it's OK to do so. You are still a kid a heart and I think that's wonderful! :-)
Thanks Debi, that's helpful to know.
I did try to be positive in my tone to let him know everything was ok but I did hug him
so next time maybe I'll just have to keep walking forward despite his reaction.
I just hate feeling like I'm dragging makes me nervous that I'm hurting him.
Lori - I do know what you're talking about and so why I did the same thing as you w/ Tiffy. When we love them, our first instinct is to hug, love and reassure. That's not wrong! You love him to bits!!! However, as w/ children, sometimes the job is challenging as we have to think of the long road ahead. Parenting is not easy . . .
I LOVE storms and yes I take the dogs out in them - rain, thunder, high wind, sleet etc.
So when the fireworks went off this time, we already happened to be sitting outside, Scruffs in my lap. He did react....quivering and heart racing but that was it, I stayed calm and ignored it. Hopefully, it will be less of a reaction each time it happens.
Thanks all for the advice.
Darlah, you are a good nut case, hahaha......I still get scared myself in a wind storm thinking my house will blow away....maybe next time I'll come to your house and you can desensitize me too :-)
Lori: You are welcomed anytime. :-)
Lori - Were you affected by The Wizard of Oz Movie?" :-) Glad The Scruffs weathered the fireworks well. I bet he will get better in time since you're remaining calm and maybe you could throw a little bit of "Darlah" in there and show him that it can be a fun time! LOL
Debi....actually, the whole tornado business in the Wizard of Oz freaks me out! And I can't watch any type of natural disaster movie either.
Now I feel like a nutcase :-)
So Scruffs and I had a stand off today.....he has decided he would rather eat treats all day and never his kibble. Of course, whenever he gets off schedule with holidays and visits to others, he thinks that he can get away with it. He refused breakfast so we gave him nothing until lunch. He was refusing lunch as well, clearly looking for treats instead, but then I looked him straight in the eye, pointed to his bowl and said, absolutely no treats until you eat your proper meal. He hesitated all of two seconds and then walked over to his bowl and ate the entire thing. Then I gave him cheese :)
I can't believe he actually understood that, he's soooo smart!!!!
......who's the alpha now Scruffs?
Good for you Lori! I love it, although I know it's hard. It's exactly the same w/ children. We still have the youngest trying us and wouldn't eat his lunch and long story short, he got no ice cream over here. Next day he told me how good he was and that he could have ice cream now. Now . . . challenge w/ dogs is that they can't comprehend, at least not always. LOL So, it's soley the holding out that gives them the message. :-) They all learn in due time . . .