Feeding Multiple Dogs

I hear about people placing their dogs in all sorts of different rooms for feeding but unless a dog that is visiting is adjusting we feed them all together.
Why and How?
We monitor so there is no stealing. Yes, some would try and we don't usually have to say a thing as they know they can't. It's a body language thing.
By feeding them together they do not become food aggressive as we make sure they each get their own meal, no one else gets theirs and they 'get' that what is theirs is theirs and what ism't theirs isn't.
I find it to be a valuable lesson for all.
It all works.
We had a low key day. I spent most of it outside with the dogs. I even groomed outside.
Heat is coming this weekend. There is no pool open so we will have to turn on the air. hehehehe
Reader Comments (12)
Mine all eat together including Tre. He knows to sit and wait for me to put his dish down and get his verbal ok before starting to nosh. The girls have the same rules. Yes if one is a little tardy in finishing up the other may try to wander over , but as you say a look usually stops that. Darlah.. Have you had a chance to check comments on the picnic blog lately ;)
Picnic blog - no - will go look and good one for feeding all yours together, Gerda!
I feed them together but Colby usually waits until Brie is done before he eats. I don't know why but he will not eat with her. He is eating much better since Brie came though. He used to not eat for a whole day at times. He now eats daily. :-)
maybe all that playing is giving him an appetite :)
Brie is the alpha . Feed them at the same time and put her outside when she finishes. You can place her meal down just before his consistently and then at the end of the week tell me how that is unfolding.
Gerda-yes I think he does have more of an appetite because he does play much more now with Brie here. I is fun to watch.
Darlah- I have taken Brie outside right after she finishes. Is it OK that Colby waits for her to finish? You sure can tell she is alpha. :-). She is much more vocal as well. Colby hardly ever barks, but Brie bark quite a bit. She is protective. How do I become alpha????
She you next Friday. :-)
Good question Jane.....how does one become the alpha?
I'd love to know the answer to that one!!!!!
Oh you MUST be alpha but Colby needed an assertive dog to help him get more balanced. I believe they are good for each other.
Correct the barking immediately. Be stern and don't let her get away with it. She may be sewing some oats so to speak and trying it out for size to see what she can get away with.
Lori: As an alpha you set the guidelines, are consistent and don't tolerate ill behaviour but you also are a caretaker, a comfort when you should be not when you shouldn't be.
Darlah - the above statement by you should be a quote in your magazine. It's so true and is worth repeating.
You know, I have to admit that the hardest part is the consistency. It's so easy to give in or forget to correct a behaviour when you are tired or busy or distracted.
Lori: 101 in parenting - it's tough but the end result you get is worth the effort.