Logan's Hair

Logan's not our dog. He belongs to a dear friend Lynda who also owns Panda. But after asking for pictures post bath, as you know I bathe Logan and Panda each Friday I decided to put a variety of photos of after bath hairdo up.
He is rather like Wasabi and Spice - he can't stand staying perfect so these are the best I can do as he LOVES to muck it up and to be honest, I prefer a dog that embraces life like he does.
Off to wash Panda and Roxie. :-)
Reader Comments (4)
Logan's coat looks fantastic. I remember when it was short.
Darlah, Logan's coat is beautiful. I am amazed at how the colours are similar to Cooper's especially when I look at the 4th and 5th pictures. How big is Logan? He probably seems bigger than he is because he is so fluffy.
Thnx Kathy
He's taller than Kat but not Cooper size. I will have to measure him but not today. Just did a marathon washing today and will finish on Sunday. I am doing this so if I am doing pups Nathan can brush other than visitors. A clean coat is always easier to care for and they were washed 2 weeks ago - so time for me. Today I am totally exhausted and we have visitors tomorrow. Both Cooper and Logan are beautiful sables.
Logan's coat is the most amazing recovery of all time. We should do a timeline article on how to save a fluffy coat for the magazine. Too bad you can't bottle all the love and attention, AND perseverance that made it so... Logan knows he is a handsome boy and seems to love coming home on Fridays and showing off his totally gorgeous self!