Dirty Floors

How many of you have sticks and leaves, mud and wet coming in with your dog?
I know of someone that keeps a wet foot bath for their dogs in the mud room and they have to walk through it and get dried before they come in. That still doesn't eliminate the leaves and sticks.
We sweep, we vacuum, we pull out stick sand leaves from hair. We - well I groom and its as if I don't.
It's that time of year and I either yearn for dry or white snow. I will be happy with both more than THIS. Remind me of THAT!
Coco and Doozie is interesting. One doesn't mind the rain, one says - are you kidding. Bet you can't guess which.
Bet you Simbas family was loving him up today. They survived the big storm. We were also worried about Zoe's family. Its miserable outside so pups are playing inside. Big dogs are going out but I am thankful I do not have rugs. Even our front door people come in and they bring in leaves. Have to laugh. Time to have dry and actually rake those darn leaves - don't you think?
Good news is the lawn furniture is gone due to the storm. As much as I like to have something to sit on it had to go away before snow comes. Now to get my water pots in. I see they did everything but those.
Reader Comments (3)
Round about now I do start to wish for snow just to cover up those darn leaves. They are to wet for raking. We also do the leaf inspection as best we can before anybody gains entry to the house, but with that long hair there is generally a freeloader or 2 that gets by. Is there a way to train the trees to drop leaves all at the same time? I've raked 3 times...
Oh the joys of being in a new subdivision with very few and very small trees. Not a issue for us BUT Scruffs still manages to find one really good leaf that he likes and he carries it in in his mouth. You have to laugh!
Now that we live in Huntsville, we have more leaves than ever before.....we need to rake them for two reasons: 1) so that Cooper doesn't drag them into the house and 2) so that we can see where he drops his poop....it blends so well with the oak leaves that at times, we need to do a thorough search before picking it up...LOL!