Tuesday Blues

Well, what is it about Tuesdays?
Everyone got groomed and I don't mean just a cursory grooming but the real deal and then that human Mommy went out with us and we looked at her with much curiousity as she clipped this, clipped that and we said to ourselves, what the hey, we like it overgrown, lady!
How do you think we are going to play hide and seek.
But that human fizzled out fast and didn't get much done as she mumbled about the lack of garden bags.
Everyone was sniffing up a storm, which is usual after a big storm. All those smells surface, I imagine. Glad I don't have their smell capacity.
Yes, Wasabi was groomed too but this was her after grooming look. hahahaha She drives the mom crazy mucking up under the deck and looking as ragged as she possibly can just for the fun of it right after she is groomed.
I didn't get to any photos and I know I promised them today but I am out of steam. Tomorrow, tomorrow!
I do promise.
On Friday this duo is going to have their ultrasounds and we will start updating their individual blogs daily. Wasabi is eating like we are starving her quite literally and Abigail is eating better but needs the extra good stuff to entice. This is norm with these two.
More tomorrow and the humans will be recovered by then, we promise!
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