Daisy's Visit

Daisy (our visitor) and Mia played up a storm till Mia left for her forever home.
Daisy loves to play with Abigail and Treasure too so all is right in her world.
Last night we think she was so over the top excited that she hardly slept. We are working on the 'no bark' and tuckering her out. ROFL
I have to wash Kat tonight as he is off to a show and I am staying home with the crew. So, it will be me and the son playing and having fun and walking the crew. We have an early (5am) wake up call tomorrow as Nathan has to get out and drive. Me - I get to snooze on the couch with the crew after he is gone.
Don't worry human mom - if you are reading this, your little one is having the time of her life and then some. She didn't whimper a bit but went - oh - holiday - let's P-A-R-T-Y!
Daisy and the crew are taking their first nap today and it's really needed. Soon they will be eating and all the fun begins again.
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