Suprises are Fun!

Well, we didn't do anything for our anniversary. We had a visiting puppy - Daisy come and one puppy go home so other than that we watched TV and played with the dawgs.
But Nathan had a surprise for me today - Kit Kat is over visiting for the night - maybe till Sunday and we are enjoying her company and so is Fiona. He also brought home Japanese - yum!
Our visiting puppy, Daisy slept on the bed with me last night and although she wouldn't settle down at first, a growling voice - firm but not nasty got her tucked up against me. All I had to do is move and oh boy I move while I sleep and she kept thinking it was an invitation to play.
We are hoping tonight she knows the drill but with KitKat visiting - who knows.
It's become very frigid outside and they say snow all week. This is when the gals will go into heat - you watch. :-)
Hope you enjoy today's photos.
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