Fun Times at Talemaker Havanese

Even thought it rained, the crew had a grand time today. There's something about the bounce of the safety cover that brings the excitement out. It also increases the yard. If you have a pool, you should seriously consider one for safety and for fun!
We also had a family visit and the dogs got to play with them. Now how cool is that to have socialization time. But that human mommy had to watch Lola as she is still in heat. That's okay as she likes hugging and sleeping next to Auntie Darlah.
As you can tell, now that Abs heat is over - she's back to her usual self. The brace is behind her and great things are coming her way - a puppy to play with in December and perhaps more puppies.
Tomorrow some of the crew gets to go visit Sebastian at his house. That human daddy better bring the camera as human mommy can't wait to see how much fun they will have.
The point of all of this is - socialize - socialize - socialize. It's really important as it will help your dawg become confident and all he can be!
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