From Mangled Mess to Stylin' Havanese Style

Fiona was bathed early this morning much to her irritation but she cleaned up well. But mommy - these crazy rules of no hair ties. I can't see.
The gal was a tad miffed that she wasn't allowed to play and hang out with the crew.
She actually created a delay tactic that didn't totally work. But that's the mind of a dawg like Fiona - always thinking about putting that foot over the line.
She came inside from her morning duty looking like...well take a look. This isn't as bad as her usual as she was brushed before she went out and then decided - mommy I got to go but where she had to go was not to do her duty but instead she needed to play and avoid the bath. hahahaha
Still, although Fiona didn't win big, she had a fun time at the show doing her scat.
We will let daddy tell you about it. He was after all the guy that couldn't stop laughing. Yep - caught in film - digital that is!
Tomorrow Abs is in the show. Here's hoping she has just as much fun.
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