Havanese Crowding Scene

Every whimper, every feeling of 'oh, my gad what are they doing in there' Katsuro is there watching, making sure I am okay. He's not sure what is wrong but he's a sensitive soul and he makes sure I am okay always. I guess that's what a 'want to be alpha' does when one of his pack members is not themselves. Besides, he thinks I am simply the best. Ha!
Today the puppies were moving all over. First thing I didn't keep my food down - just too much indigestion. No fever, no other signs just the pups aren't giving me all that much room. Daddy finally hand fed me yet again and I kept it down. Mom was worried at first but when she saw that I can eat small meals vs. a good sized usual one, well she understands.
This is my last week. Mom still thinks Friday but we shall see. I don't tend to do anything like anyone else so I will have to surprise the world. All great things come to those that wait!
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