A Havanese in Deep Patience

This is me and my belly just hanging out. I tried to get up on the couch today and it doesn't work. For the first time in my life, my body is just not cooperating. I tried and went okay someone moved that couch and tried again and looked at mommy and said - 'what the hey' with those eyes of mine. I wasn't so happy as I am known for my ability to leap tall objects in a single bound and not only that, do it with style and grace. I usually flow with ease. Is this what pregnancy does to you?
I am laying around as the weather is lousy. Daddy tried to take me for a walk. I decided not to let mommy out of my line of sight or smell. So, mommy tried and although I complained last week, I got over it. Today I refused - plain refused as if I was an elephant on the end of that lead and right about now, I feel like it. So, mommy took me out back on lead so I won't go under the deck and all I wanted was to come inside, lay in my whelping box and then hang out with mommy and daddy.
Mommy is making a turkey today - yum, I can smell it. She created this really great dish this morning and for the first time for her I ate it like no tomorrow. I have gained 3 lbs. Risa gained 4 on her last week. Oh well, I am more delicate than Risa. Oh, I love her but gal stop thinking you are using my whelping box - it's MINE.
My pack mate Katsuro is acting strange. He lays around me and stares at me. If I make noises under my breath, which I am doing all the time lately, he sniffs and acts concerned and gets mommy to look after me. It's really interesting as he is younger than me but he is really playing my caretaker making sure I am okay. We have always been close.
Today daddy tried to play with us and all I wanted to do is take my toy and play with it. I am simply not up to running any more and I am sleepy. Daddy invited Terra (our resident retriever) up on the bed and I said 'give me a break daddy - where's the room - best make a new bed that attaches to ours if you are going to do that'. I was laying on Risa's pillow and no one noticed but daddy. The things I get away with and maybe it will stay this way after I am not pregnant. Here's hoping!
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