Saga of the Havanaese Roller Coaster

Just got this in my email by a vet no less saying...
Ultrasounds mostly are to confirm pregnancy. X-rays are used for counts. Ultrasounds are not necessarily fully accurate and I tell my clients that.
Why can't pregnancies be easy? Next time - we say nothing - and announce at birth. ROFL
Will the 15th get here right away? Oh, we will be happy with 1 perfect birth but life is ever so interesting in this dawg business.
Now back to daily living as we are not going to obsess with this. We take what life has to offer and then she will have spring puppies too.
Our son is in from the navy just for a few days. We have a show - Yvonne's pups - Gidget - Audrey's pup. It's bloody wet outside so coats are a good thing and worth the effort.
Two weeks till we get Treasure - now that's exciting!
Linda has 4 dogs of her own and is a crazy dawg person too - loves them to death so if you need boarding - she is indeed a possibility. Let us know.