Havanese & Rain

It's raining again and this gives me the opportunity to address this mother nature thang. There's something about wet paws and soaking wet grass tickling our feet that our humans just don't get. Sure, some of us don't mind it where the others are found lifting their paws out of all that wet.
I tend to be one of those dawgs that appreciate a raincoat on a rather wet day on my walks but when it's warm, I don't mind not having one - still that grass - well I don't like it all sopping wet where my pack mate Katsuro will plow through the grass as if he owns the world (today he is rejoicing as Maggie is a faded aromatic memory - and relishes everything in it. Read about it in 'A Dog's Sense of Smell') It's not that I don't. I just don't like all the cleaning I will have to do when my feet get muddy - him, he will just allow it to dry and then cleans it off. Ha! We are all so different.
Yesterday - well I know today's another day but yesterday Maggie came by and we found she's going to meet her connection soon. Maggie is Yvonne's dawg who is going all the way to - well read about it! If everything works out alright and she likes this hook-up, well then babies will come to their house again. First Lola and then the Mags - how much fun is that? Do you think it's right that these humans pick our boyfriends? Do they know something WE don't know? I mean, are we supposed to meet them and then fall totally in love or is it okay that we have one night, two night stands? Ha!
Today we have Rita from Sonrisas coming for a visit and maybe Linda with her crew. It sounds fun. More after it all happens. Now the mom has to woo me and show me how much she loves me by giving me something good to eat - yeah right - only daddy knows how to do that!