Wet, Heavy Snow - The Worst Kind

It snowed last night. I shoveled this morning so that the dogs could go out onto the deck without getting soaked.
Then it started snowing again, wet snow, the worst kind. Darlah insisted, rightly so, that we dress the dogs before they would be allowed outside. The theory is that the various sweaters and waterproof jackets will at least cut down on the potential for snowballs getting stuck in their hair and just generally help them not get completely soaking wet.
As those of you know that follow Darlah’s blog, three of our dogs are in show coat which means their hair is long and has the potential to get really matted if not brushed diligently, especially when wet.
Coincidentally, the three dogs most apt to run and pounce and play and roll and tunnel and generally get soaking wet would be the same three, Kat, Abigail and Fiona. Fiona outdid everyone today and managed to come in with the sweater hanging off her back. She’d already somehow managed to get her front paws free, at least that was how she saw it. What we saw was this soaking bedraggled mop bouncing in the door, not a care in the world. I would have shared that picture with you but it’s not for family entertainment. Instead, here’s a shot of our Abigail in all her glory. Remember, when they do come in wet, you really want to brush and comb them out and not let them dry first.