Class Last Night & Play Today

Here is Kona doing the perfect beg.
Ty doing his pray! He does so many tricks including counting much like the Kona!
Magic doing her paw. She also has a slew of tricks she knows.
Plus I want to add another of Magic as the relationship between the human sister Caitlin and Magic is amazing. As Phyllis says she does all the training and wow she is up there giving competition to Ty and Kona. Us, we didn't do any trick training before the class but Jeannie got the beg in oh - minutes. Nathan wasn't going to teach as he is too afraid she will try this stuff in the conformation ring and lose. But a truly trained dog should know you do x in this venue and x in that venue but for pups that is a bit hard to expect but we do. heh
Today we had Levon over and you will see some photos of him on Abigail's blog as he was playing with the pups. Below you will see Truffie and Logan and Panda playing.
This is Panda telling Roxie she's boss.
This is Logan and Truffie full out playing and loving it!
At one moment in time Panda said Logan is MINE but Logan and Truffie ignored her.
They continued to play and Panda observed.
Panda finally engaged Logan in play but only after Truffie and Logan was done. The boys were having fun!