
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppies for sale toronto (127)


Fast Havanese Update

WeaverSorry, I am still sick. Hoping it goes any day now but it's holding on.

No photos today. It's just been very busy and I am not up to it but I will make up for it tomorrow, I promise.

Weaver is one of our visitors. He really likes Charlie, one of our other visitors.

He likes the rest but they always connect with one more than another the first few days and then they open up more of the playing field. He really likes Nathan as his human.

Oh, he likes me too but he's over the top with Nathan. It might be that Nathan lays on the floor with them and I can't do that feeling like I do.

I know..excuses.... 

Let's talk about the rest of the gang. Jay is visiting and is totally smitten with Treasure. He really enjoys her company as much as he can. It's funny as it was an instant thing as soon as he arrived. Treasure loves them all though. Jay has really started to find his fun here and listens ever so well when called or you say no. You don't even have to say it loud.

Jasper is also visiting and he reminds me a little of his grandma Risa, a little of mom, Wasabi, and a little of his dad, Kat. He's such a happy go lucky puppy, loving all. He likes the guys and the gals - just play and all is right in his world. He also has a wonderful (Wasabi texture) coat that has been well maintained and allowed to grow. You know how much we love long coats here.

Then we have Charlie. He's a master jumper. It doesn't matter who is in that recliner, he's up there in the midst of them. We are teaching him not to pounce on your chest. With me being sick, it sort of knocks the wind out of me. But he's learning and we are doing it in a positive way. Charlie loves all the dawgs - a happy go lucky guy.

We mix it up on who walks with whom and they all adore their walks. They love retrieve.

Usually we don't have so many boys at once but we are enjoying the interactions and the hugs and the kisses and everything. More tomorrow when I feel better.


Havanese Soaked Fun

Wasabi & Katsura Watching the CrewToday was a totally soaked day filled with so much fun. It was a in and out event. They came in, we dried, they went back out and on and on and on. It was worth it to see them so happy.

Check out today's photos.

Last night we split up the crew. Nathan with some, I with some. We found it works when you have a full house, as we do.

Nathan had a LONG night as Jay and Charlie kept him up doing the Eveready battery thing. It happens when they are excited to be here. We hope for a more restful sleep tonight. My crew seem to all sleep well and most needed as I still have this awful flu bug.

Today, Zack and Coco came for an overnighter so we had a full crew to feed. We manage to get it all done without any squabbles and everyone eating their own food but sometimes when you look around, it's rather comical. This one jumping and waiting for their food and yet another and another. Treasure seems to get them all jumping for their food.

Tomorrow Weaver comes to join us and Tia, Sydney, Coco and Zack go home. We will miss them tremendously. They bring fun to the crew but so do the crew that remains. It's an ever changing canvas ... that we enjoy.


Before & After Havanese Snow Fun

Charlie & JasperCharlie and Jasper joined us today for some terrific snow fun. Charlie is a bouncy, can't get enough play kind of guy and so is Jasper.

Kat started out as a grump today but he ran and played and did a proper greeting. I say, there is no room for grumpiness here.  What a great fit this crew will be. When Weaver joins us it will be total boy madness fun.

Yikes, I thought Tia was going home tonight but looks like she's going home Sunday. Nathan looked at his notes and went oh yeah, it's Sunday. I guess she will be getting 2 baths. hehehe That's okay. She's crazy fun and worth the extra work.

Coco and Zack are coming for an overnighter tomorrow. Fun, fun, fun!

We added 2 new videos and a slide-show. As always you can find them on their respective pages on the top of the list. Although I am still not well, I got my ahem in gear and took a ton of photos and videos as I know that when away, it's nice to see the holiday your furry kids are having and what better way than photos and videos. We hope you enjoy.

Charlie spreads his love around to everyone. Jasper too. This is going to be a great deal of fun having so many boys in the house as the gals usually rule around here. That's okay, they will still think they rule. heh

The snow was blustery. The dogs played hard and ate well and now they are snoozing to start again.

I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.


Talemaker's Nathan's Clicks

Treasure is quiet. Can you believe?Yes, good natured Treasure does get thoughtful and quiet at times. She's just a play monkey most hours of the day.

Although sick, I did get most dogs groomed and Nathan did the rest. Most appreciated!! I also got 2 washed and dried.

Tomorrow we have the Tia going home at dinner time. We will miss this puppy play monkey. She just added a great amount of fun to the mix. But Sydney and Tia think the plants are theirs to chew on. Puppies....heh

Due to my illness, Nathan was out taking photos. You can check them out here. There's not my usual 50 million but a few as he was also taking video. I will try to get to the video tomorrow. Just not up to it tonight. Sorry...

Jay is fitting in really well. He's still smitten with the love bug for Treasure but humans are too. They just really play well together and every now and then Shoshi has been joining in. Fiona also finds her time with the younger set.

I guess Tia is not afraid of big dawgs in the least as she walked over Whitney's body to get out of the room. Whitney has a terrible habit of blocking a room. She's old so usually we just move her but Tia said, you didn't move her on time so up and over I go and Whitney didn't seem to mind a bit.

Tomorrow we have Jasper and Charlie coming. Are we excited. Then Weaver comes Sunday. It's going to be a Havanese Love Fest. Look for video footage tomorrow if this bug leaves me.


Havanese Changing of the Crew

Ripley after bathRipley has been visiting us for a few days.

I managed to get some really good video fun of him playing - 17 minutes but had to just cut it down to a few minutes. I also added a few more videos to our Boarders and Visitor's Videos page.

Check them out. Ripley's video is there as well.

I wish I could show you the long version as there was so much good copy on it that it was hard to cut it out.

For those of you that prefer photos, we also included those on the Visitors and Boarder's Photo page.

We had Jessie, Coco and Zack drop in. Sydney just came.

It's starting out as a truly fun weekend. I am not sure how I could ever do it without the dawgs.

When they do something they didn't or open up or play, well it tells me that this is what we were meant to do.

Ripley Meets JessieJust before Ripley went home tonight he was sleeping under my desk. He was introduced to Jessie a new visitor and Zack and Coco, one of our regulars.

We always practice proper meet and greets.

Sydney just arrived, Ripley just went home. Jessie and Sydney are adapting quite well.

We just had an outdoor session and now we wil settle in with some games and watching TV and snuggling. Ahh... dawgs...nothing like them.

Already missing the Rips but I am enjoying the crew here quite a bit. It's going to be a fun weekend for sure!

Be sure to check out Talemaker Puppy Life for news about our pregnant gals. It will be updated daily from now til the pups go home.


Havanese Boarding Talemaker Style

Jazzy Just BathedJazzy was just bathed today and he feels WONDERFUL, if I might add. Now to keep him that way till his humans come to get him.

Immediately he just jumped in one of the dawg beds and rolled all over the place.

I just have to laugh at moments like this as you try to take a photo and you just laugh and the camera bounces all over the place from your laughter.

Still, I managed to capture the moment.

Let's see what we were up to today. We played retrieve in the kitchen with Jazzy, Ripley, Treasure and sometimes Fiona. Each joined in but the dear old Treasured one just tried to hog it all. So, we had to take her out of the equation. Ripley just LOVES squeakie toys.

I brushed all the dogs and EVERYONE is knot free. We cuddled, we played we went out for a stroll and then we played again.

Jazzy stirring up his hairRipley is a sweetheart. He lays on his back and lets me brush him out despite the reality that I know he isn't crazy about it. He is such a wonderful soul.

He wriggles and wags that tail and gives me a kiss though more reserved than his playmate Daisy that was here but still a kiss and a body wave of delight. What a cutie patootie.

Fiona's foot seems to be vastly better and we will fill you in on the preggie gals on Talemaker Puppy Life tonight. I think there is an explosion in the mid-section going on.



Talemaker Havanese Boarding

Jazmyn and Marlee are visiting. We also had an impromptu visit with Tiger Lily and her human mom, Heather. Tomorrow I will put up a slide show. Watch for it.

Tonight Daisy comes. It's going to be a busy weekend but a truly fun one. We are looking forward to it. We live for these crazy dawg times and so much snuggling.

Both Jazmyn and Marlee came in and settled in playing right away. This duo have been here quite a few times and we just adore them.

Marlee jumps over our gate with ease and climbs tall buildings at a bound, all for a treat. Yes, she was trying to figure out how she could get more treats than the one she got when she got groomed. Jazmyn usually is not as adventurous as Marlee but she said, 'oh - this is FUN! and followed Marlee on the climb. I had to try to stop from visibly laughing and celebrate inside seeing Jazmyn being so adventurous.

We are having fun this Valentine's Day Weekend. It's only just begun.

PS: I promised someone that I would write about how to take care of a cottony coat on a Havanese and the tips I learned. I just did it tonight. Just look for this area.
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