Havanese Soaked Fun
Saturday, February 27, 2010 at 5:41PM
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Wasabi & Katsura Watching the CrewToday was a totally soaked day filled with so much fun. It was a in and out event. They came in, we dried, they went back out and on and on and on. It was worth it to see them so happy.

Check out today's photos.

Last night we split up the crew. Nathan with some, I with some. We found it works when you have a full house, as we do.

Nathan had a LONG night as Jay and Charlie kept him up doing the Eveready battery thing. It happens when they are excited to be here. We hope for a more restful sleep tonight. My crew seem to all sleep well and most needed as I still have this awful flu bug.

Today, Zack and Coco came for an overnighter so we had a full crew to feed. We manage to get it all done without any squabbles and everyone eating their own food but sometimes when you look around, it's rather comical. This one jumping and waiting for their food and yet another and another. Treasure seems to get them all jumping for their food.

Tomorrow Weaver comes to join us and Tia, Sydney, Coco and Zack go home. We will miss them tremendously. They bring fun to the crew but so do the crew that remains. It's an ever changing canvas ... that we enjoy.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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