That White Stuff

A bit more snow appeared but not as much as they predicted. hmmm Dogs love it but it is wet snow so they are coming in soaked. There is much drying going on. Malla who is close to the ground looked so wet, it was ridiculous and she was about to depart. I ended up combing her out and drying her much to her irritation. LOL Seems I am doing that with everyone.
Hard to not let the dogs have fun so we do. Just means more drying work and combing out. Life....
Dogs are having fun!!
Reader Comments (2)
While Malla might have been, irritated, I definitely appreciated it! Thank you, your whole family is the best
I am glad that you appreciated. As she is so close to the ground she was wetter than wet. Gave me the opportunity to comb her out too. She is so fun to have around!