Run and Play

Wolfie was playing his heart out today. Yesterday he had overtures but not full out play like today. It is great seeing a never been here before visitor playing. They alwayus eventually do. It just takes them getting connected to other dogs and creating relationships.
We have a very busy weekend and the next busy time is Valentine's Day, if you can believe. It will be fun.
Nathan had xrays today but it is Friday so I doubt he will hear till Monday. That is unfortunate but a reality. It was his day off so he got xrays and visited a friend.
Ms Harlow departs tomorrow to see her dad. She is always missed. Ms. Pepper also departs tomorrow and she is a delight. Dogs coming - dogs going.
Reader Comments (2)
Darlah, you can find almost all test results online now. I broke 2 fingers years ago and believe me you know they’re broken. Can he use them at all? Has his whole hand swollen to almost twice its size? Get better, Nathan. Maybe he is trying to get out of treadmill walking. 😕
He sent him to an xray place down the hall that doesn't post results online. I am sure his dr knows the results but it is the weekend nor did Nathan call him on Friday. He can't move the fingers and he now has - delayed bruising from his bum to the back of his knees. He is still in good spirits but says he can't do anything - no replenishing water dishes, doing dishes, loading dishwasher. I am busy but we have a ton of stuff thrown on the ice to pitt up the ice out front but not helping. He will survive. He says he can't use the treadmill. I reminded him that just because he is skinny doesn't mean he is healthy. He looked at me cross-eyed. I know he is sore.