Wet Wet

It has been mighty windy here. It is also wet and well brr damp cold. The weather has changed today to colder.
The dogs had a lot of fun despite the weather. I managed to get them all brushed and they do not look like I even picked up a comb. That's okay. They are enjoying.
Thank you to Trish for cherry cordials. My fave but I like anything dark from that chocolatier. You should buy some for yourself. Then again weight will come and hahahaha
I hope everyone's holiday coming up is a good one. We spend it with the dogs chatting to you about your fun and that makes us enjoy. I hope you managed to get your shopping done.
Nathan just arrived home from dropping off Katie. Logan and Panda will soon depart.
Tomorrow Bell puts in high speed fibe tomorrow. They just finished installing the lines at the street and tomorrow they will hook it up. Let's hope it works. We will cancel Teksavvy and this will be cheaper and faster. Our present - reduce costs. LOL Maybe gain speed. We shall see.
I have a crazy day of grooming tomorrow - like crazy but that's okay.
Cold will set in and well Dennis can go out and I can hibernate doing inside. Well, that's the plan. We will see how it all unfolds.
The dawgs - well they will always have fun and that's the important stuff!
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