Pups, Adults and Brr Cold

Abby and Fudge are having a blast with each other. Fudge is here overnight. Abby - a few days.
Levon and Trigger are playing up a storm.
Crepe acknowleged Harlow bur Crepe seem to want to play with others. Maybe he figured - new pals. It was his first time here and he had a great time. Our dogs are always welcoming.
Mr. Leo departed. He is a riot as he jumps in his bag when his mom arrives. A few do that. It is fun to see.
Ms. Meadow checks in on Abby but they play independently.
Everyone and I mean everyone is having a blast. I just finished grooming and we are on Misty watch. As I sit here typing, I noticed it is pretty gloomy out here outdoors. Can we have summer back, please
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