Dawg Daze With Friends

We had a wonderful time in and out of the pool. Gracie is here (not one of ours) but she has the energy - well I want her energy. She is so full of life. We were lucky to have Mac, Monty and Raylan plus Pippin - such a sweet little one Pippin is and the duo Zoe and Molly - so much fun and oh yeah Finn - what a blast and of course the humans! More humans and dawgs coming to swim tomorrow. Plus the daughter and grand daughter. Weather best cooperate.
Here are a few photos today and tomorrow I will put up a few videos that Steven did in slow motion - great fun!
Nathan tried for the 2nd day to try to get the duo to swim in sync. It is not happening. One goes on way, the other goes her own way.
Two Treasure pups - Dusty and Monty
Pippin - Think Steven wanted to steal her. :-)
It was a great day and thank you humans for sharing your little ones with us.
Reader Comments (4)
Each time I see Monty and Dusty my heart skips a beat because as Treasure/Katsura off spring they resemble each other and Kona.
Sweet loveable faces.
Pippin looks a bit worried in her photo. Happy to see all enjoyed the great weather we had today.
Pippin was trying to find a way to go over the table to the next chair and drink someone else's water. She had already drank Stevens. :-) Nothing like a tall glass of ice water. She finally figured out she could walk from this chair to the next via the table when she saw one of the others do it. Been brushing her tonight and shes been wonderful about it. The dogs had an amazing amount of fun. Everyone was playing so well with each other.
Kathy, they have that pretty Treasure face!
Oh, did that Pippin ever melt my heart. She's like a miniature Raylan wearing a Monty costume!
Steven: That she is... :-)