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Promise to play catchup on photos tomorrow but today here's one of Kat and Nathan jumping in the pool together.
Everyone is having a blast. Jebi comes tonight. Coops is here. Brewer is here for another half hour and Benji Panda's blonde boy is coming for a visit. I will post photos tomorrow. It's hot and muggy outdoors. It's raining off and on - so in come the cushions, out go the cushions over and over.
Jeannie's blog is now active.
In honor of the games, Barb sent her Dutch gals. How cute!
Here's a snippet from Dusty's mom about her therapy work.
Dusty just finished at Sick Kids this morning, her rounds on 7th. Amazing, child in pain...Dusty enters room, lies down beside her, doctor and nurses is pain level-surprise as patient is petting Dusty, no pain! Doctor would really like patient to get up and walk, I suggest how about patient walks us to elevator...patient did a full loop around units walking Dusty together with me, volunteer and nurse while attached to all her IV poles etc. Patient felt great, no pain lots of smiles from everyone including Dusty girl! Good job this morning.
Reader Comments (9)
Beautiful account of Dusty and her Angelic moments w/ this child. Very emotional to read about and I'm sure extremely heart wrenching, but rewarding for those concerned. How wonderful Mom and Dusty are. You are an example to us all! Congratulations! You are very special!
That is a beautiful story. Thanks so much for sharing.
Great story.
Fun photos of team colours!
Truly heart-warming. Good to know where medicine fails, these therapy dogs can make such a difference.
Wonderful what Dusty is doing. I applaud you Simone for getting Dusty to where she is. it is my goal to do the same with Cooper but not quite there yet. My heart just melts reading about your journey so far. Well done!
Loved reading about Dusty and her therapy work. Simone you must feel good seeing the comfort that Dusty brings to the sick children. Thanks for sharing.
Loved reading about Dusty and her therapy work. Simone you must feel good seeing the comfort that Dusty brings to the sick children. Thanks for sharing.
That was a very high jump for Kat.
This is my goal too for my future Havanese, that is a Therapy Doggy. We will see how it works out.......