Trigger Climbs Up

Shannon sent this photo and said:
The dogs were barking at geese in the backyard (you can see one in the bottom right window) and I turned around to find Trig on top of some boxes. Of the two, he's the climber, which should prove interesting as time goes on!
Our dogs love to chase the geese and ducks out of our pool. Shoshi actually thinks they are listening to her. Right....
Reader Comments (12)
Oh Trig, what are you up to now? Chasing the geese! Your brother Levon is simply watching....what a great pair!
Last week my grandson and I were crafting at the kitchen table and Mabel ... Triggers sister ... jumped right from the floor onto the table!!! Almost made it but there was too much paper etc on the table. Really startled me and luckily she didn't hurt herself.
Jayne: The Spice pups are extra agile. I am truly amazed what that line is capable of. Wasabi and Spice are both amazingly agile. Even as Wasabi ages she still is flying through the air chasing those squirrels as she can't help herself. Glad that Mabel didn't hurt herself. I am actually pleased at how well our old gals are doing. Old age brings slowing down and the regular aches and pains and sometimes eyesight that isn't as great as when younger just like us humans. You can't tell with them. I am so thankful. Each day at breakfast I am reminded that Risa will jump for food.
Tre is hysterical.. in agility he jumps and flys around like he has wings.. but for some reason when he wants to jump on the couch he takes 3 practice jumps before he makes the final leap. I think he jumps upright rather than at the proper angle to land on the couch. He's a silly boy :) Kizmet on the other hand will leap from the floor up and over the armrest from a standstil.
They are agile dogs (well, Levon not so much, lol). Trigger also leaps over the arm rest onto the couch. He hasn't figured out that he could make it onto the dining chairs, thankfully - I don't know what I would do if he tried to jump directly onto the tabel like Mabel, lol.
Shannon: You would correct him. - that is after secretly admiring his capabilities.
Gerda: Truffie used to do that too. It also took him the longest to jump on anything but once he started finding the benefits then we started teaching there are certain areas that are off ground despite what you think.
Too funny that Truffie did it to. I used to think he had depth perception challenges as from a puppy he did the same thing when we wanted onto your lap. He would consistently crash into your knee caps... still sometimes does... I think he's just so excited he jumps around a bit before the 'final launch' .. hmm other than the dining room table and kitchen counters very little not allowed here.. spoiled puppies..
Gerda: Smile... Take a video...
The Havanese are such agile jumpers, very cat like in their style.
I found Kona on a dinning-room chair only once.
It is so nice to see the dogs age so well!! :)
I remember meeting Risa the first visit I had
with Talemaker ... I was surprised at her age :)
Yeah It does my heart good to see the older ones jumping up and down as if they were pups again. Feel blessed when I see it.