Happy First Birthday

I am sharing a series of photos taken by Sylvia of the birthday. She gave me the hat etc if I wanted to give it a try but these are priceless. I couldn't do better.
Happy Birthday Bailey, Griffin and Tuffy! One already wow!
That's all folks! Chicken strips for you tonight! Bella and Bailey are here enjoying a holiday. What a fun pair these are!
Reader Comments (8)
Priceless! I guess bailey is exhausted from all the partying.
OMG that made me laugh out loud! What a character. Happy Birthday Bailey!
Happy 1st birthday Bailey, Hugs and kisses from the Duncan's. Great pictures!
Happy birthday! Just love that jewelled crown!
Happy 1st birthday Bailey!!!!
As always, Bailey justifies my crush. Too adorbs for words. Happy B'day little guy!
Happy Birthday to my brothers Bailey and Griffin!!!!! Love Tuffy!,,
Happy Birthday Bailey! I hope you and Bella are having a great time at Talemakers! Miss you guys!