Watch Your Dogs

Carol had an experience that can happen to any of us. I am posting with her permission so you are aware. I believe we learn from each other. Dogs do the darndest things and you never know what is possible till they surprise you.
Coco and Doozie arrive for a visit tomorrow.
I had to take Doozie to the emergency vet clinic. Yesterday she had a cough like there was something in her throat but I could not see anything and then she threw up 3 times within a few minutes. Then she was OK. Today she coughed again and then threw up twice. The vet took an X-Ray and little Miss Doozie had 4 bones in her tummy and bowels. We never give them anything with bones so the Vet suspected a bird sure enough when we got home I found a bird wing under the tree. She is on some antacids and special food for a few days. This escapade has made me think about mouth kisses.
Also I added a video of Montuno that Nathan took to yesterday's blog entry.
Reader Comments (14)
This is also the time for 'garbage gut'. As the snow melts, many dead rotting things start to be uncovered from the layers of snow. Dogs love to eat that kind of thing. Garbage gut is a common complaint at this time of year. Yes, watch your dogs.
Easter is coming.years ago,my non jumping bichon jumped and took a dark chocolate bunny from I high shelf on my drawers in the bedroom.i was only gone a few minutes and all I found was the soma wrapper. That also led to an emergency vet visit.i felt like a terrible mommy, but was told that they see many Easter visits from pets. That bunny had been there over a week so I don 't know what prompted her interest that day.never again.
Angela I know what you mean about all the garbage that has been hidden by the snow. The dogs seem to like the stinky dead stuff.
A sharp eye is needed to check out the areas that our dogs like to visit.
Carol - I'm so glad Doozie is OK and recovering. Pls keep us posted. xoxo
I told D&N some time ago that an Aunt used to wrap chocolates as Xmas gifts for our young children and we were not told. Our Bichon Tiffany was smart enuf not to let us in on the secret but would wait till we went out and eat the entire thing. We had asked for upwrapped chocolate and then changed the request to "no chocolate." I have since learned that poor quality chocolate isn't as dangerous and your dog will likely fare fine if she eats an inch or so of a chocolate bar. However, the same amount of high quality (70% or more) can be very serious.
Watch our for squirrels and crows dropping food in your yard. This happens quite often to us so when we stoop and scoop we also scan the yard.
Saw a terrifying video the other day on the news. It was from an elevator and showed someone and their dog getting on. The dog's leash was caught in the door and as the elevator started to move, the dog was lifted off it's feet and was hanging. The owner was frantically trying to support the dog from being hung and trying to stop the elevator. Happily the leash broke and the dog was fine. You can never watch them too closely!
Glad Doozie is okay. I often say I'd like a dollar for every inedible thing my dogs eat. Today Levon jumped off the bed (it's high, so we lift them off an on) to get a piece of white fuzz that he thought might be food.
Shannon, that made me laugh out loud!
Glad that Doozie is OK and thanks for sharing. I agree with all above. We always have to watch out for our dogs but sometimes they are faster than we are. This time of year sure brings garbage, debris, etc. A reminder to reload the "drop it" or "leave it" command.
The scariest thing for me is the raccoons! They have returned and I saw what appeared to be a pregnant female walking across the top of our fence bright and early Sunday morning. I'm suspicious that it's living in one of our neighbours yards - likely under their deck. This one was twice the size of Laci, so now we go out at night w/ her until we feel it's safe. Also look over the entire yard during the day light. We have repellant granules that contain coyote urine which "appeared" to be working.
Hate to frighten people but better safe than sorry.
I should have added that the "Drop it" or Leave it" command is only good if we happen to see what our dogs are doing. Unfortunately, sometimes they can eat something without us seeing them.
Debi, those racoons can be nasty, especially when pregnant. Be careful!
Hi,again ,I caught my bichon licking raccoon poop in my dad's back yard. The next day, I didn't recall her eating 'rice', but then the rice moved. Another trip to the vet. have you noticed that stella has never done anything remotely naughty,lol.
Pregnant racoons are especially defensive. They will attack if they are in a situation they feel they can't retreat from. If she has babies in your yard you will have to get the kits moved or you will have a serious issue. I think they are adorable but can't have them with the pups and they can kill or hurt.
Let me know if the granules work. I think our neighbor has them but so far no issue but we also had rabbits and those disappeared so something happened. I suspect they are no longer alive.
Yes, Raccoons carry worms, rabies and much more.
This raccoon was either pregnant or very fat. I'm especially careful of raccoons roaming in day light. Can be a sign of rabies. They used to poop in piles over piles on top of our fence but the granuals stopped that last summer and so far nothing this spring. But just seeing one on our fence in the day was frightening. I'm so glad Laci wasn't already out there or near the door when I yelled at it to get going! But she is very good at "come!" :-)
Valerie - My 1st Bichon was the same as yours. Whenever she disappeared out of sight for a while, we knew to check the side yard and sure enough we'd usually find her hiding & chewing on something yucky. Luckily, she never really got sick but would lay w/ a sickish look for a day or two. She loved to roll in bird poop too. One time she was begging for a smoked oyster and I finally gave her one which she threw up in the air and then proceeded to roll on it. LOL You gotta laugh!
Frightening, but a good reminder. These little ones get into everything and it only takes a split second. Constant vigilance is required and even then, they still manage to get into things they should not!