Little Late: Gallery Added

This is Boo. Scruffy's brother. He's like a gazelle running.
We are a little late with this update. We had a visit from Harper - and here we were so excited to see him we forgot to take photos and we got a call that our son broke his collarbone in 2 places and they are not aligned. His last ski. He does trick skiing - Jon.
I am working on a gallery. It was a warm day so lots of slush so lots of towels, drying and grooming. So other than the gallery just know we had a lot of fun and soon we may lay on the couch, snuggle and watch tv in-between puppy feedings of course. :-)
We are also waiting for our son to get back from up north. Gallery will be added in a bit. Just started working on resizing. Here's the gallery.
Reader Comments (12)
Oh dear, heal quickly Jon.,
It looks to me like Boo has grown since the last time I saw him. He is cute. Hope Jon is better. Nasty ski accident. Heal well!
I think with Boos haircut you can now see what is underneath. He has long legs much like Teaser. He is amazing jumping. Hes lost all the sable but small amounts which happens when you cut sables short. He would get it back to a lesser degree if it grew out. I will take a photo tonight with Scruffy who was the smallest in that litter. Going to measure him to see his height. Teaser did throw large and large is in ALL the lines so you can see large here and there. The havanese used to be larger and sturdier vs. pocket dogs that some are trying for. A larger havanese is like a Tibetan terrier with a better personality. :-) I miss a larger dog around this place.
Gerda: yeah hes not doing well. Trick skiing - last ski of the season. (sigh) 2 breaks. Better that than his head... or spine.
Is this the Boo that was formerly named Chase, or are there 2 dogs named Boo?
I hope Jon heals quickly and he isn't in too much pain!!
I forgot that Boo's mom is Teaser. Should have known given the size, as Coop and Boo have the same mom. Amazing how big he seems now that he has been trimmed. He seems like a happy dog.
Debi, if my memory is correct Boo used to be Chase.
The Boo man is a cutie!
Jon's back in emergency today due to the weekend at his doctors suggestion. He is in a lot of pain. Hope its not an all day thing as emerg can be.
The Boo I'm thinking of (Chase) wasn't from Teaser and is a younger dog.
Oh dear, hope Jonathan heal quickly. Poor guy.
Russell loves the Boo! So cute!