Happy Birthday Shout Out!

Happy Birthday Shout out goes to Laci, Tre, Ringo and Kobe!
May you have a truly special day filled with fun treats and kisses!
Photos will be added if received. Otherwise we are crazy busy here today and it looks like much shovelling has to be done so Max can go home.
Its a winter wonderland on your special day and hope its the same if desired for Tre!
We just got a photo of Ringo in celebrating his 2nd Birthday!
Big Happy Birthday, guys!!
Reader Comments (5)
Laci wished her sibs and 1/2 sibs a Happy 2nd B-day @ the end of the Blog below. Again, wishes to you all. May you all have tons of fun and love w/ your families!
We love you Miss Abs!
Tre sends Happy Birthday wishes to all his sibs , and of course hugs and kisses to Momma Ms Abs, Darlah, Nathan, Dennis and Jonathan ( who was so kind and drove us to the airport for his big flight home ). Wow how time has flown, and I can't imagine our lives without him. Tre has class tonight so may try and get a short video of how he is progressing.
Not much snow here, a lot melted a couple of weeks ago..but it's really cold brrrr(-30 ish). We will keep warm running in class tonight :)
Happy birthday to the crew!
Happy second birthday to all!