Snow no Rain

I am not complaining but they said a ton of rain and all we have had is snow. :-) Here are a few photos. Everyone is having a blast. Kona departs tomorrow just before dinner and as you will see he has had a really great time. He's a snow monkey now.
Yeah its a tad wet out there. hahahaha
The Dusty gal is here playing up a storm and getting wet too. :-)
In and out, in and out we go many times a day and all you have to say is outside and they come running.
They say the rain is still coming so I am hoping Spice cooperates so I can get Kona's bath in. Where there is a will, there is a way. :-)
Reader Comments (3)
I love the first picture. There is something about a curly haired black and white dog that just makes me happy.
We miss Scruffy & Pepper!!!!!!!!
Give them hugs and kisses from their mama and papa and tell them we love them!
Hope all goes well with Spice's labour.
Lori: They got blowed dried before bed and now Dennis is sleeping with them. They are great. Its raining so dogs was an assembly line to dry before bedtime and then I never got to sleep at all. Nathan got about 2 hours. Not sure what is worse. But they are great!