Oh My Gad

This is a no time for photo day. Dennis stayed up all night with pups so he slept till 1030ish. Nathan was at the show first thing. So, I placed my grooming table in the hallway and was able to watch pups and groom. I got everyone groomed, washed 6 dogs, fed, played and here I sit. I am so very tired. Nathan just walked in the door. I clicked a few photos on the kitchen and one of Cooper out with Dennis but sorry this is almost a no click day. Cali got reserve winners 2 days out of 3. Leti baby puppy but Adele and Jeannie nothing. It was a very political weekend.
If we knew about Roxie we wouldn't have booked this show. It was a pro handler weekend.
You have to imagine me playing and grooming. It was a comical day. The dogs loved it. The more tired I got the sillier, I suppose.
Here are the few photos I clicked at dinner time.
I just want the food, now will do please! Jazmyn (just had a bath) is now home with her Marlee dawg pal I bet snoozing.
Really I groomed them but Kona is a true play monkey these days. He knows the drill. Groom me, I get a treat and then I play and mess up everything you did. Here they are intently waiting for dinner.
Many times a day Leti and Wasabi play. It's a relationship that has developed and is amazing to watch.
Cooper, it's time for dinner. I will stay here with Dennis while we figure out where the rabbits are. :-)
It's been a day. Tomorrow Nathan can do cleanup. Cooper departs on Wednesday. Kona on Friday. We may or may not have more pups. I need sleep before then. hahahaha
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