Better Day

You never know who is going to play with whom. It can be confusing. Each day they can gravitate to the same and other times its different. Rafi likes to play the field and here he is with Griffin playing up a storm.
Griffin was playing with Keeper and Adele when he first arrived but he's decided that Rafi shoots the moon.
Pepper is here. I thought Rafi and Pepper would play but not yet. I think Pepper's mom does overtime on her hair (that's not why I was venting yesterday) as it was knot free but she is busy playing with Jeannie so by tonight we shall see. Right now, Nathan and some of the dogs are napping. I guess life is back to semi-normal.
Every day I play retreive in the house and outside and I always use a different item to mix it up. I don't want them so good that no one new can beat them at their game so we mix it up and play it different. Jeannie strives to win.
If it means way too much to her I stop the game for her and play with the rest. She's quickly caught on that you can't play the game of intimidation. You must play fair or you don't play at all. :-) Our games are not simply games but learning experiences.
Daisy is also getting quite the workout. No pool today. It's not warm enough for us. No warm weather till Saturday? <sigh>
We are all having fun but as Terra had an upset tummy I was up off and on all night. She's fine. She just had a treat - an extra large one that didn't agree with her tummy. Our son thought it was a good thing. :-)
Reader Comments (8)
That's a great photo of Jeannie. She just jumps off the page!
Rafi's is having such a great time. Thank you so much for the photos Darlah.
Jeannie is a take charge little lady. How can you break that 'possessive' trait when
it comes to their toys ?
Nice to see a shot of Nathan relaxing with the dawgs.
You stop the game. You take the toy away. You stop rewarding in any way. You don't pick them up except to put them inside. You don't treat them. You don't talk to them cute. You visibly show you are not happy with your body.
Jeannie will try every which way to suck up to you.
Jeannie wants to win. She doesn't want the toy. She just wants to have what everyone else wants. Both scenarios are the same. You stop the play. You ignore. Canine mom and siblings would do the same. If Jeannie uses intimidation to win I remove her from the game but allow her to watch that everyone else is playing. Then I try her again. Early on she used to repeat it and back inside she would go. Now she rarely does it. She still wants to win and that's okay but she doesn't use intimidation or control the game. I do.
Reinforcement over the years is always necessary. You stay consistent. Some dogs just see how much paw they can place over the line and to be honest I love those types as they are thinkers. You just have top be thinking too. :-)
Hi Darlah
Griffin looks like he is having a ball. Hope he is behaving. We miss him but know he is well looked after. Thanks!
Tania: He is having a great deal of fun. Can i trim around his private area so his legs stay clean when he goes?
Sure trim away!
Tania: Thanks... it will look nice but eliminate any cleaning you have to do.