It's Been an Event Filled Day

Well Benji and Kat were running around like crazy dawgs and Benji ended up cutting the corner too tight and splay into the pool.
Poor Benji got his brush out and blow dry before his bath. He gets his bath again on Sunday when he departs. I bet you he is scratching his head wondering why play equals bath. So am I. :-)
We had a ton of fun playing going on today. Here are a few photos.
Boo was here for the day and so was Brewer. They make the most of their time, I tell you!
Bentley, Adele's brother is here just for an overnight and oh my he has tuckered the Adele out. How fun is that?
Lola took to Bentley as if they were two peas in a pod. It was a riot. Lola is finally starting to get we brush daily, you get a treat and she is now saying okay where is the treat?
Dusty really likes the smaller set too. I don't blame her. Dusty gets a bath first thing tomorrow as she departs in the morning. We will miss her!
Panda loves chillin' on the deck. It was a perfect day today for it with no rain.
Sadie is a play monkey and adores the great outdoors.
JLo also departs tomorrow and with all the playing she has done, she will need it. :-)
These are only a few of the photos I clicked today. To be honest we have been having so much fun clicking was secondary. I hope you don't mind!
Reader Comments (2)
Looks like fun. I would love to have spent my day playing with them :)
All the dogs looked like they had a ton of fun. Fun to watch as well.