Picnic Photos

Check mine out and I know Steven posted his on facebook and here is a link to Janes. It was fun. I missed many of you attending but those that came, it was fun despite me not being all that on this planet. Mine may be blurry, out of focus, what have you but I just uploaded what I had and realized I didn't take many. Hope some came out. I simply uploaded and hope you understand why I don't have the time to delete those that may have not come out.
Look for next year's event in months to come and in September we are going to do some playdates with the pups that are in their forever home. Maybe sooner... but August is a crazy month for us with a wedding for our youngest daughter and a bat mitzvah for the grand daughter plus Nathan will be at 2 specialties. So, September is looking good for me! Stay tuned!
Reader Comments (12)
Why edit? I think the gallery is just fine, and we get to see everything the way it was. Those who cannot understand the fatigue you are suffering of, should just try to go through it sometime. Keep up the good work, Darlah; those who matter, appreciate your efforts.
Thanks Darlah and Steven for the photos! And thanks to everyone who attended - we enjoyed seeing everyone and their precious little Havs. We really look forward to this picnic every year, so thanks ever so much Darlah, Nathan, and Yvonne & hubby for hosting it. It's always a lot of fun.
Not sure why Scruffy spent more time laying among the plants in the garden than he did playing with the other Havs but he and Pepper were very, very happy to attend :)
Oh! Thanks to your (& Nathan's) efforts and to Yvonne & Alex, too, for a great day. If people didn't have fun, it was their own fault. Can't wait 'til next one.
Looks like it was a lot of fun. Sure wish Rebekka & I could have been there but the date just didn't work. It would be nice to meet some of the dogs I've seen on the blog. Maybe next year !
Thanks to the Talemakers and Yvonne & Alex for organizing such a great picnic. It was so much fun to see our Havs play non stop and to also see the "humans" that we have grown to know over the years. Great day! Like all other dogs, Coop slept all the way to Huntsville! Great pictures!
Dick: Well sometimes you may have some interesting photos that people would rather not see. I just was too exhausted to see if there were any of those.
I would love to go to the picnic but I don't have a Talemaker and I live too far across the country to make it on the day.
But it looks like you all had fun and I feel part of it by looking at the photos so thank you so much for all you put into the day and for sharing it.
Our dogs are still pooped from the picnic! It was a fun time for sure.
It was a great time. Thanks to all who planned and attended the picnic. Loved seeing all the dogs and their human parents. Can't wait until next year. Your pictures are wonderful as usual Darlah. Please get the rest you need. Colby and Brie also slept most of the way home. Thanks again.
Thank you to those that took and published pictures of the picnic.
Kona & I missed this year so it was great to try and identify some of the dogs
in the pictures.
Of course I recognized Bailey, Mac, Cooper, Jeannie, Tre etc. Some either have
a new hair cut or I did not remember their names.
It sure looked like everyone had a great day.
Thank you Darlah for driving with me. I may have opted out if I had to drive solo and I am so glad I didn't and decided to go. Bailey had a great time! He even slept most of today, I think all the playing really tuckered him out. It was great meeting so many of the people whose names I see on the blog and finally putting a face to the name. Thanks again to Yvonne & Alex for organizing such a great picnic. I know whats involved with hosting an event like this. Theres a lot of prep both before and after with the clean up so thank you for that. It was great seeing the dogs playing non stop! Great day! I look forward to next years! Well worth the drive!
Thank you Darlah and you Yvonne & Alex for a wonderful picnic. We had a great time meeting both people and their Havanese.