Night Time Duty

Well the washer died early and we found out an LG washer can't be fixed by anyone but LG and they can't come till Monday, joy. Lots of towels, bedding and of course our own clothes to do. I tried washing towels by hand. I realized I am no expert as I swear they still have soap in them. I tried it again just in case and well its broke so Nathan may have to find a laundrymat to wash and then we will dry here. We shall see.
The things I miss about night time duty. It's quiet. Well except for non stop make sure pups are eating and mom's bottom is clean - oh yeah and you use towels to dry to make sure mom gets back to pups fast.
I also miss the night time snuggles with hubby and the dawgs. Today our cleaning people come so sleep may be interesting. I should have ordered ear plugs.
Did I say I am tired? I am. We also have Brewer, Dusty and Chase coming so I gather that will wake me up too. Then I am supposed to be coherent for the picnic. It's going to be interesting. At least I get to see Brewer before I crawl into bed. :-)
Life is always a challenge but you have to learn to laugh about it, I say. Can't wait till 7am so I can hug the dogs, weigh the pups and crawl into bed.
Reader Comments (10)
Is it still under warranty? I have an LG but no longer under warranty so I call my appliance guy to come when I have issues. Will never buy LG again. I have had nothing but issues with it. I am just waiting for it to die so I can get something else. Thinking I may go back to the traditional washer where I find the necessary use of water usually gets the clothes clean the first time they go in. I had LG people come in the beginning because of smell and apparently that wasn't covered by my warranty. So for the past 9 years everytime I do laundry it also smells like I am cooking broccoli or eggs at the same time. Thankfully the clothes don't smell like it when they come out. Sorry I think I am venting, that tends to happen when I hear the brand LG. Good luck!
We were told by our appliance guy that LG won't allow them to repair. I also have that smell issue and have to use those things to clean out or throw vinegar in every week. Maybe you can send Nathan the # for your appliance guy? I am off to bed. Ours is just out of warranty and I hate the HE washers - they all do that with the smell - all brands.
I will email Nathan the info. I am definitely going back to traditional. They are cheaper and much more efficient than these HE washers and when it takes 75 minutes to do a load I don't understand how they can be more energy efficient. When I said that to the Sears guy he laughed and actually agreed. This was last year when I was frustrated with smell and went in to look at my options. I ended up walking out with a new mattress instead. Don't ask. I'm a liitle nutty sometimes. At least that's what my husband, John says. 😬
Re HE washers, the smell is usually due to water between the 2 drums. Then mildew, etc., grows. That's why they try to get us to use the HE tablets to do a cycle w/ nothing in it to clean, disinfect and deodorize. However, I heard and it makes sense that if you leave your white load for last and use bleach that you won't have this problem. I've always done that just to ensure there is no bleach transfer on darker loads. I've never had smell. I also leave my washer door open overnight to let condensation escape. The load time is long Sylvia, I agree, but it does use less water and is so much easier on clothes. I rather like mine and I tend to like Sears brand and then I also get their repairmen, which of course are contracted out. LOL PS: I try to always use enviro friendly products but "bleach" is one thing I can't do without.
Yes, we use the cleaner and it still smells. We also leave the door open. I think you are lucky. We always used Kenmore previously too but did you realize the other manufacturers make them and they just stick the Kenmore on them? To find out who made yours, check this out.
I would never get an HE again until they improve this aspect and the length of washing. For less water you use more electricity - can't win. All you have to do is google and see smell is an issue across the board on all HE models. That you don't have it - count your blessings. Keep that machine and never let it go, hahahaha!
Yes, I realized that Kenmore is just the Sears branded appliances and check for actual manufacturer. I just have always liked dealing w/ Sears if and when we have a problem and so why I stick with them and also theirs are usually cheaper. Still, I don't buy extended warranty.
I probably don't do as much laundry as young families or you w/ puppy laundry. I do once week all day long and then they get a rest. Perhaps a long drying out is what's key to my success.
Hope you get your issues solved soon w/ all these pups. At least line drying is back in (when was it ever out?)! I do a lot of rack indoor drying as well.
One daughter has LG kitchen appliances and they have had issues too.
Ha Ha so funny to hear of your LG woes. We have a LG bottom mount fridge with french doors and a water dispenser in the door. From the time we bought it seven years ago we are on our third model. The first time the water dispenser got clogged up and not one service guy in the entire York Region knew what to do. Lots of complaining from my part and LG sent a replacement fridge. Then last year, the inside light died. We bought a replacement panel light (I never got my money back from that) and it didn't work. Turned out the entire light panel including wiring burned out. Yes, it could have easily set fire. They sent a new fridge. I WILL NEVER buy another LG product ever again. that said all of these are made by one or two of the same manufacturers, just white labeled to the brand. Lesson learned from experience - I will find out the real manufacturer and ensure its made in America. Go figure.
Katherine - your fridge problems sound the same as my daughters. I doubt they will buy LG again either. I purchase Kenmore laundry appliances only, but prefer Kitchenaid for the kitchen. Had excellent experience w/ them and hated to part w/ them when we've moved. Bought the same newer models and still great service, so will continue on w/ this brand.
Sears does give good service especially if you buy their extended warranties. There is good and bad about buying extended warranties. Great if you need them, pricey if you don't. It's how I felt about my first Canon Rebel as they have a 3 fix for the same thing and get a free upgrade. I did buy the extended warranty for it and I did get a free upgrade as my camera usage is high so if something is going to go it will with my usage - about how a washer and dryer fares here. :-( Heavy users it pays to get an extended warranty and then there are the usual lemons that are created even if you hardly use it. I just want things to last like they used to.
I had to laugh, for a second I thought I was on a LG review page and not a blog on Havanese? Lol