Tired but Tomorrow

Seems I missed Lynda not intentionally. I went out to the backyard and think I fell asleep for 10 minutes or so. I am exhausted but you see all these weeds? Thanks to Dennis the area around the pool is now weed less at least for a day or so. :-)
Nathan never turned on the pool so I can't swim not that I am up to it but maybe drifting in the water would have felt good.
This holiday weekend has been crazy busy.
No photo taking, no real puppy time but we will play catch-up tomorrow.
Hope all the rest of you had a relaxing day. I think I was dreaming about wrapping Jeannie's hair so it stayed well for Nathan and then dreaming about him ripping out the elastics along with her hair. Such a dream.... or nightmare.
Tomorrow Brewer comes for the day just as Nathan is departing. Am I excited or what! Nathan will be home early afternoon so maybe he will get the air fixed then or get his Brewer time again. Me, I get to wash Jeannie daily - 6 days in a row.
Pepper gets to play with Brewer tomorrow - fun time to take photos.
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