Falling Down on Job

Life is so crazy busy the last few days so I am falling down on galleries and photos but its life. We had friends over and they swam. I had Abigail and the 4 pups to wash and I have a dog to demat but won't get to him anymore till tomorrow.
I tried to get Pepper and Scruffy in the pool but I admit I didn't try overly hard as Abigail jumped in AFTER I did her bath - yes Abigail, Roxie, Kat so I had a lot of blow drying and brushing to do and I was out of steam. I had already groomed everyone. But still I kept asking and they kept running away much like Fiona when we asked her. They were simply not in the mood and that's okay too. Monday is supposed to be warm so I will take them in before they get their baths. They are knot free so I do not have to worry about it.
This is Roxie and Hugo and Milo and I will tell you they too are smitten with her and she looks away so disinterested in Milo. I have to laugh at that face!
Here Roxie is launching herself off the side. She has learned a kick to the side gets her further.
Pepper and Scruffy got to play with Bailey. Check out this cutie patootie on the Fiona page. She was so excited to see him it was unreal. I have to do a gallery of them playing together. It was priceless!
We had a lot of snuggles time. Scruffy is FASCINATED with Dennis hand-held game machine. He often hangs his head on his shoulder to watch.
I have a ton of photos but to be realistic, I can't do them tonight. I am TOO TIRED. Its a half hour before bed and I have not had down time at all today so I am being proactive to me and finishing this blog then taking 10 minutes for me before bed. ROFL
Reader Comments (2)
Happy Father's Day to all the Talemaker Dads!
Luv to see the dogs swimming! Laci had 4 swims yesterday - will be on her blog soon. She looked hesitant at first, but was happy and carefree afterwards. Wow, does she love the outdoors! :-)