Not Much of an Update

I had 4 dogs to wash and a turkey to cook. You see we have dogs to watch while other people enjoy their dinner so I figured the only way I am going to get turkey is to cook it today. So inbetween I had dogs hovering around the stove licking their lips.
I had hubby and Dennis saying did you baste the turkey? Yes, I did inbetween this wash or that but thanks for asking. Dennis and Nathan played with the dogs when I was washing but do they take photos? NO! argh though Nathan said he took a video. Well I didn't get to yesterdays video. So, we shall see how today goes but hey its better to groom and play with the dogs don't you know?
As I type, I am eating turkey. Yum. See multi-tasking it still came out.
Plus the dogs were thrilled as Nathan took some turkey, cut it all up and the dogs got their feast too.
You didn't think we would forget about them, did you? Mr. Coop was smaking his lips and so were the rest especially Ms. No Name.
Happy early Thanksgiving!
PS: Just a small video Nathan did while I was washing dogs and making turkey.
Reader Comments (6)
Ah...turkey, dogs do love it and it's so good for them! Glad you were able to cook one. We plan on having one this weekend so the Coop will get to sample it......great video of the dogs having fun. Makes us feel good to see them so happy and you guys having fun with them :-)
I wanted to add that it did my heart so good to see young Risa at the end of the video. Wow, what a lady and so full of life! Way to go Risa!
I thinned out Risa, Wasabi and Shoshi's coat yesterday to make them feel lighter for the winter. Shoshi has so little coat but still looks like she has plenty - those cotton coats so hard to take care of but they have that volume appearance.
Coops is having a grand time - no worries. He rather enjoyed Scruffy too. Pepper well he wanted her for his own. hahahaha
Gee Coops you get two servings. ROFL
I wish I could send you a sample of my dogs coat, her head is very different from her neck and shoulders and her flanks are different again. I am not sure if its cotton or silk. It feels like soft sheeps wool and mats very easily.
she has very little coat under her elbows to the lower part of her flanks and I always worry in the cold weather that she feels it, although she doesn't appear to mind. I have knitted her a cardigan which she tolerates in really cold weather.
Sue: Tip if you use a sweater under a coat it gives them more warmth not because its thicker but layering adds warmth.
Without touching it I can't tell. It may be cottony but you can thin cottony coats out and use Show Sheen right after bathing to get a solid 3 weeks out of it with every other day brushing. It may be technique, hair, combo of it. The more you go the better you get at it. It took me a long time with Shoshi's hair but now I thin it out and coat it. I get 3 to 4 weeks if I want to with Shoshi. I like to do mine no more than 3 weeks. When its starting to mat a great deal it needs to be clean.