Miss Abs Outside

Miss Abs loves to get out for a few minutes between feedings and puppy stuff.
This is a photo of her from yesterday as today I am at the hospital with the grand daughter.
Dennis and Nathan are caring for the dogs and they tell me things are going rather well.
Maybe I should get out more? hahahaha
Reader Comments (8)
Ms Abs is a girl after my own heart. A few stolen moments of solitude outside and amongst nature can be refreshing!
Hope you had some quality time w/ your granddaughter. How is she doing?
Yes, nice to see Ms Abs having a bit of mommy time... Still sending positive thoughts for your granddaughter's speedy recovery ...
I just got back. The news from the specialist about the possibles (know more Friday) was really not good. She appeared to have a good day till just before I had to go. She had a rounded pile of blood the size of a half dollar and pain. She still can't eat. I arrived at 8am and came home 10 minutes ago. It's been a very long day. Wanted to stop at Ikea as that is where I parked and didn't have the energy.
Darlah: I am so sorry to hear that your granddaughter didn't have a very good ending to her day with you. Let's hope by Friday the specialist can come up with a better treatment plan for her. Here's wishing you both a good nights sleep.
Darlah: This must be very draining on everyone! Hopefully, w/ every occurence your granddaughter has that it brings the doctors closer to a diagnosis and effective treatment. I'm sure you must be emotionally exhausted. That's the worst kind. :-(
Let's just say this one is weighing on my heavily. I can't say so much. The kids are internet connected but I remain hopeful as that is all I have. The rest seems to be elusive.
I know exactly what you mean re kids! LOL
Continuing to keep positive thoughts for your granddaughter. I choose to believe it helps. :-)
Darlah, I'm so sorry for her, it must be awful.....can't understand why the diagnosis is so elusive.....hope things get better soon