Kat & the Kids

It's not often enough that we get Steven over with his 3 that happened to be Kat's kids. It's rather nice day as we had puppy people over and then Steven and May with the 3 Kat kids came over for their first time swimming.
Steven and May do not swim as many humans don't so it was an extra treat for us and for them to see what they could do in the pool.
I have many more photos and so does Steven and May but here is just a highlight as I have puppy photos to do first.
I want you to know that all 3 of their dogs swim really, really well. It was a treat to see them, click them, eat good food and have great company and yum on the chocolates and the dogs I am sure will say yum on the dog treats.
We don't do this often enough but we really enjoyed the afternoon. It can't get better than this sharing the puppies and then also seeing Kat's puppies swim. This is Raylan in Nathan's arms.
Bonus Roxie jumped in the pool and I only got the going to leap and the in the pool shot and not the between and I think Steven got the same. It was the only time she jumped in. Got to try to get her jumping in like Kat so we have more opportunities.
Before Steven and May left we put Raylan and Monty in with the pups. I didn't get photos of that but Steven promised to share his with us. They were WONDERFUL with the pups. Mac still thought they were martians so he watched. Can't wait to see those photos.
Here is the highlight of them swimming with more to come tomorrow along with that one shot of Roxie jumping in. I hope Steven got a better one than I did.
Reader Comments (11)
Great pictures as usual !!! They look like they are having so much fun.
Yeah Jane when you coming to visit? :-) Can't wait to see Steven's photos.
Thanks for having us over Darlah and Nathan! We had a great time as always.
We really appreciated Nathan braving the cold air while running around wet and showing our boys how to swim.
I'll share links of our photos and video once I finish going through them. Hopefully by tomorrow.
Sadly I don't think I got any of Roxy diving but I got one or two of Kat doing it. Oh and maybe two of Nathan diving too. ;)
Well you thought you got Roxy diving. She has to do it again and again so we can capture it before the pool closes.
We really enjoyed your visit. Thank you so much for coming!
WOW! Kat is amazing! They all are, but I take so much delight in seeing Kat diving. Good going to the newbies and to Nathan for showing them the way. :-)
Yeah Kat is just wonderful and he will keep on going as long as Nathan is. Today was too cold though so Nathan was cold each time he had to leave the warm pool. I like that Roxie LOVES the water and is jumping in the odd time. Maybe by next year she will be jumping in more. We shall see. I need another diver! Nathan was a great guy for swimming despite the coolness. It was a fun afternoon but always is with Steven and May. I love the type of parents they are!
Darlah - Too bad I didn't live closer. Swimming and diving was my thing in the younger days, as well as skiing. I would bet if I were younger, I'd be getting Laci on a surf board behind the boat. :-) It's always easier to dream. LOL
Darlah, anytime you have the time to have me, I will be there. Always fun getting away. Let me know what date and time are good for you. :-).
Would love to see Colby and Brie in the pool.
Great pictures, so endearing to see Raylan with Nathan. Steven and May sound like the just best dawg people and that they love their 3 Havanese so much and share them with us all in the magazine is very special.
It sounds like such a great day together!
We can't believe it was cool there though, as we had a very sunny, blue sky beach day and in and out of the lake. The Breeze and Chinook are both so tired tonight as had lots of running and Chinook had lots of swimming too!
Jane: Now to get this weather to cooperate. Strange so hot and now too cool.
Deb, you must be following the 14 year old swimming across Lake Ontario?
Shelley: Send that sunshine this way. Yes, Raylan always remains special as he lived here so long. Love them all but Raylan still thinks we shoot the moon. To hear that Raylan completed their family makes my heart skip a beat. Special....
How is your hand? Cast still on? Grooming still tough? Nothing like water dogs at a beach. Such a grand life you have. I envy it. :-) We still treasure our moments at your cottage. Hope you are still clicking those memories. Those dawgs of yours belong on one of those walls at your cottage. hahahaha
Darlah - Yes, good going to Annaleise! I'm always routing for the girls . . . and to think my idol was Marilyn Bell! :-) We're going to have to get one of the female Havs to rock Kat's boat! (at swimming). LOL