Fun Today

Just a couple of photos from today. Tomorrow will be more normal. Today we took turns swimming so no photos of that - sorry.
Here is Mia amd Benji getting to know each other. Mia's mom is really attached to the Mia so this was hard on her and we 'get' that. But Mia is fitting in nicely. She never made a peep and started playing with Benji, Roxie and Tiger Lily. There is NOTHING to worry about. She's having a great holiday and you should too!
Check out Laci's latest photo on Abigail's blog. Abigail is in heat and although not ready for breeding yet, Kat is the lucky guy. I think he's been a good egg and patient enough.
Here is Roxie and Mia who along with Benji and Tiger Lily have become grand friends.
We had a mad rush to play get the toy today. It was delightful but it was me throwing and the dawgs getting.
Tiger Lily also found a cool spot in the middle of the plants and saw fit to do the shimmy. Wish I had my camera for that.
Now they (non heat) crew are in the TV room with Nathan chilling.
It's been a great day. I promise to get more photos tomorrow if I can.
I will tell you Benji is delighted to have more gals to play with.
One more week for Teaser to be done her heat. Twelve more for Panda and Abigail. Normalcy will be back. What is normalcy?
Reader Comments (6)
What a great photo of Roxie and Mia. Mia looks tiny! Is she? Roxie is as cute as ever, but I am biast, didn't ya know?!
Nathan - you're kinda of cute too! We can't leave you out all the time. Now to get Darlah in a photo. That would be the caper of the year! We'll have to work on that!
Mia is a Wasabi pup. She's cute as a button, don't you think? Yes, she is small much like Abigail's Pavlov. Wasabi threw a smaller pup every now and then. They all do if its in their lines.
Thank you so much for updating and for taking care of our baby girl. I already miss her terribly but we know she is in excellent hands and I'm sure she is having a blast.
Can't wait to see photos of more play and hopefully some swimming! We're excited to hear how she does...
Thanks again for everything,
Alyssa & Vincent
P.S. I think Kat is an exceptional "egg" ... But Mia's looks do resemble him so much sometimes so I am quite biased lol
Lovely pic of Nathan and the girls... the girls look like they are loving it. Darlah I completely agree with Debi in that it would be nice to see you a bit more often so you can look back one day and see you and your crew captured in time. Special memories for sure .....
And what about Dennis? Maybe he's like Mom, but still, you could sneak one of him, could you not?