Wet, Rainy and Chilly

It's wet, rainy in a big way and it has become chilly so the dawgs are hanging out with Nathan in the TV room - well most of them.
This one took over the entire recliner and only in this house can you spread out and get comfie in the chair that the humans like the most.
I started grooming and gave up. They go outside and come in looking like wet rags and we put all these blankets all over the couches, on the chairs, in the crates so they can get real cozy.
It's a tough life, you know. They cuddle in and catch some serious zzs.
If the rain keeps coming the pool is going to overflow for sure. No photo galleries today. It's just one of those days but besides chilling we also play a lot of games that expels their energy and gets them tuckered out - us too. heh
Reader Comments (3)
Wow, you had a lot of rain. Yes, dogs look like wet rags after rain. Cooper was out in his dog run today, which is now finished, and ran like hell and got all mucky even if it's grass because we also got rain. There is some dirt in some spots and he always will go for the dirt :-) but that is a dog's life after all. Those are cute pics you posted Darlah!
Anne: Yes the dawgs will always find the mud. I think we are getting more rain. We have had 2 really big downpours and the pool is rather high - so high it can't circulate well. Hoping tomorrow is warm. I did the run and slide on the floors while the dogs chased me. I think they thought I lost my mind. I haven't done that since I was a kid. You should try it. It was actually fun. Oh my gad am I in my 2nd childhood or what!
I bet you that you have mud as your sod is new but good news is you don't have to worry about the well water. Yvonne's grass may turn green at this rate instead of crunchy brown straw.
I think I finished the last of the grooming. Did them all spaced out today here and there. The 1st ones look like sorry sods though so I went over them lightly again. <sigh>
What a day! That rain was crazy! Luckily we got a chance to go for a walk this evening....when we returned, it rained again. I hope Scruffs was ok....he was at home alone when the thunder started, but my dad did come get him soon after.