It's Been a Day

Cooper and Scruffy was playing up a storm as if they are related. Wait, they are!
Scruffy is now home and I bet you he will be snoozin' as he played hard today despite the lack of a pool and despite the rain they still manage to go silly crazy. It's nice.
I did manage to groom everyone. Molly and her mom dropped by and we did hair talk.
Coco and Doozie rema funm fun, fun with their antics and we are still learning all their commands but it is fun trying.
Yvonne just missed seeing Coco and Zack. Coco waited for her turn for grooming. Now that's new. Hey I see you are giving out treats when you groom, lady. So groom me next!
Rocky came in the place looking forward to the fun and is really settling in well. (more photos tomorrow of everyone) Just more difficult taking photos in the house in tighter quarters so I am hoping no rain tomorrow. We shall see. Plus sitting is not so easy still.
I lined combed Cooper but he doesn't look like it. Rain and play - what can I say.
But we are managing 'some' play outside but much grooming after that!
Flora is visiting till tomorrow as she is breeding to Kat.
We signed up Roxie tp Citizen Canine in Ajax starting August 1st at 8pm. Class is almost full. Ty and Scruffy wil be joining us. It's going to be fun!
More photos tomorrow... just know fun is had by all despite this rain that has come and they say is still coming.
Reader Comments (5)
Re Citizen Canine - sounds enticing w/ all these Talemaker puppies! Oh . . . hard decisions to make . . . . Laci and I want to go. I'll let you know and hope it's not too late. :-) Anymore doggies out there seeking some fun ? . . . it would be nice to fill up the whole class. LOL
Yes, Scruffs is super tired! As a result, he refuses to snuggle with me tonight....I guess that's fair. I tried to get Roger to snuggle instead, but he is also really tired and so he told me to snuggle with Miss Piggy (that's Scruffy's chew toy)......he thought that was funny, but I did not, so I forced him to snuggle with me anyway :-) men should understand by now....happy wife, happy's not rocket science! LOL
Darlah I hope you did not break your tail bone when you fell. Broke mine a few years back and it is not pleasant. The. Bad thing is after the doctor finishes laughing. He tells you that there is nothing he can do about it and it will get better in six weeks. And you know what, in six weeks you do feel much better. Your family will just have to help you out with the dogs while you put up your feet and relax.
So true Marilyne....I usually try not to laugh though :-)
Funny but I doubt it is broke, I can walk just fine now but sitting bang on hurts like hell still. I never thought I would say I need more padding and getting up and down hurts a great deal but one cheek and walking is just fine. The rest is simply aches now.
I am such a woosie I swear and here Wasabi had surgery and not a single complaint. Jumps up and down on furniture since day one and you would swear she never had it done even on day one. I think its actually easier on those that have had litters as they don't react to the discomfort. No onesie, no cone head.